
Is my cat OK, or just an idiot?

by  |  earlier

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She started having contractions and a little bleeding about 12-14 hours ago (6 p.m.) She was meowing a lot, and in her box and it seemed she would have her kittens any minute. Then we went to bed, and nothing. We woke up this morning and no kittens and my cat is acting completely normal. Would she wait for us to have her kittens? Because I have to go to work...




  1. Did something scare her??  Cats can actually biologically stop labor then restart...  Poor girl, leave her be, you'll probably have babies tonight...  If you notice she is really pushing, contracting, and either seeing a kitten and it getting pulled back in, or a gush of fluid, I would give her 2 hrs than rush her into the vet...  Cats not an idiot, she may just be scared.

  2. probably not, it may have been false labor pains, cats do get these too. I would have someone check on her through out the day if you can't be there just to make sure she is not introuble.

  3. Sounds like false labor like the other person said. If your sure she hasn't given birth yet, put her in a closed room with the door shut when your not home. She WON'T  wait for you to be home to have the kittens. Actually she CAN'T wait.  lol  When it's time, it's time. Also, it's to provide her with a box lined with a towel or old blanket so she has a comfy place for birthing.

  4. Have you considered sh may have eaten the kittens ~~

  5. Go to work but check on her if you can call vet and see if she needs to be seen for bleeding but dobtful if not alot congrats

  6. animals prefer to have their young on their own.  They have been doing this since the beginning of time till the humans started interfering, Go to work leave the cat alone, she will be fine.  

  7. Hi !

    I would find time to come back at dinner time (noon )

    If things have not a vet .

    Sometimes labour just stops.....for any animal or humans.

    Touch her and try to see if you feel the kittens move.

    She could be in need of a ''c'' section.

    It's not rare for this...the kittens could be large, the age of the mother ( young )..lots of reasons.

    Good luck...

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