
Is my cat going into labour?

by Guest61604  |  earlier

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my cat is 10 weeks pregnant today and she was under my child's bed all night scratching at the carpet which shes never done before also ive just noticed shes got a thick yellowy colour gunk round her back end does this mean shes going to have her babies soon or is it something to worry about????




  1. Sounds to me like she is aborting her kittens... the yellowish gunk as you call it could be puss and be signs of a problem ue to infection. I would get her to the vet ASAP

  2. She is probably in labor,

    Just make sure there is water for her near by, she would probably follow you, so better prepare a big box totally closed with a hole big enough for her to get in/out, with a soft towel. In a quite room, away from all of other family member, let her have her privacy. You can watch her from distance or if you feel she is ok with you around stay with her. The think yellow junk (balloon like??Check this image is supposed to be the baby's amniotic sack

    If it's her first time, she might have the first one without knowing what to do, pat her head to calm her down then take the baby close to her mouth and she will know what to do.

    The first baby kitten is the difficult one once she has the first one the other shall come out easier than the first one.

    There will be some time -Gap- between each one :)

    BUT if it took her more than 1 hour or even two without any baby, you better rush tot he vet.

    when she finish, make sure that water and food are close to her, you may wipe here back and legs with a Simi warm water wet towel even if you did not , she is going to clean her self up once she rests.

    I went through this 3 times with my cats.

    Check out the pictures in this site

    Good luck and please update us and let us know what happen with your kitty :)

  3. Hi, sounds like your cat is in pain and distress - take her to the vet ASAP!

  4. if she doesnt usually go under beds then she probly is gonna have her babys soon

    my sisters cat has had 2 litters or what ever there called. lol

    and both times she went in dark places like under a bed or inside a lounge

    just be careful your cat doesnt have them outside somewhere cause sometimes birds eat them


    but the cats i've been around when they were gonna have there babies they started meowing really loud then an hour or something later the babies came out!


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