
Is my cat gonna die?

by  |  earlier

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he is a 2 year old cat has lumps in stomach and is slobbering acting strange will not drink anything




  1. Immediately call your vet and get your cat seen.  You probably should have done this when you 1st noticed the problem.  Good luck and I hope your cat gets better. =^..^=

    Just saw your additional comment - why does the vet suggest you euthanize your cat? He is worth all you can do to help him - maybe they'll let you make payments to treat him. Again good luck.

  2. Its a hard decision and I feel for you.  

    Have you looked into pet insurance?  Also, I know when I took one of my pets in and he needed major work the vet offered to sign me up with a special credit card that I would not have to pay on for a year...

    I know with the economy the way it is that it is scary to slide into debt over vet bills.  This is a call you have to make not anyone on this site.  Between 3 different cats I have spent nearly $8,000 on vet bills in the last year and a half.  One cat lived and the other two passed away.  It has sent me into debt that I'll probably be stuck with for at least another year, but I do not feel the crushing guilt of giving up on them.  If I had just let them die without trying to save them I would have wound up spending far more on guilt therapy and alcohol down the line.  

    Its a matter of what you can take on. What does your vet think the chances are of diagnosis and treatment?  Have you looked to see if there are better vets near you?  I take my cats to a rather expensive vet (the survivor and two new kids), but they diagnose and treat my cats better than a cheaper vet I used to have.  Yes, one visit costs more.  However, they have to go less times...

    Good luck.

  3. I know exactly what this is. You cat has like a tumor in his stomach, you should take him to a vet immmediately. My cat had it and she had to be put to sleep. The vet can surgically remove the tumor but not if its to late. At the moment your cat is slowly well, dieing. The lumps in the stomach will move all te insides and ruin the cats stomach system. Take my advice and see a vet.

  4. If you can't afford treatment and the vet says to put him down, then do it. Don't let him suffer.

  5. i know it is hard but take him to the er vet and if they can't do anything the n you should put it to sleep. don't make the poor thing suffer.

  6. Take hime to the vets straight away!! Like NOW!!

    I don't know if he is going to dir or not but he is clearly unwell, and if not treated then yes he could die.
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