
Is my cat ill............?

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Is my cat ill..?

Well, his fur is matty, when normally his coat is really smooth and soft.

He has lost some weight, and you can just feel his backbone.

He is right here now, and he is purring loudly, and dos not seem to be in pain… my mom said it just because its hot, should I tae him to the vet..?




  1. no,vets are expensive wait to see if he improves and buy some kitten food to feed him up! Our cat went like that for a bit but he ate my other cats kittens food and is now really fat and happy!

  2. I would still take him to the vet anyway, as cats are good at hiding their discomfort, these can be signs of a developing illness that needs treatment for him to get better quickly.

  3. Any significant changes in weight or the condition of a kitty's coat are signs of problems.  Just to ease your worries, schedule a wellness check-up with his vet.

    If you can feel his backbone, he has lost a lot of weight.  He may still be eating, but his body is not gaining nutrition from what he is eating.  

    If if fur is really matted, he may not be able to groom himself efficiently to keep his fur smooth and may need a little help.  This time you may need to get him groomed and in the future, comb him to help keep his coat pretty.

    It is not a good idea to get a wormer from the store and give it to kitty.  There are different worms that kitties get and different wormers kill them.  Also, we don't know that worms are causing his weight loss and you will be wasting your money and giving him drugs that he does not need.

    Here is a nice website that has the ten most common subtle signs of sickness.  After you review these and if kitty has more than the signs you list above, remember to tell his vet about them, too.

    Purrs to you and kitty.

  4. Well, he could have worms, that would explain why he is eating but still loosing wight, and also the poor condition of his fur. In the summer cats do moult their fur, but it shouldn't really be in bad condition, and has nothing to do with wight loss, so if he has definitely lost wight, then I would take him to the vet.

  5. hmm. the fur and weight loss might be because of worms or something? my cat had the same thing with the fur and weightloss, and we gave him some worm medicine. any kind at wal-mart would work, i'm sure. but if he's eating and purring, he should be fine. (:

    also, it might be the type of food he's eating? if you've changed it since his hair was smooth and soft, maybe it's different stuff in the food doing it? not sure.

    if anything gets worse, i'd take him to a vet

    i hope everything goes well! (:

  6. Take him to the vet for a check-up. You never know. He might be fine, he might not.

  7. You don't say how old your cat is but whatever age he is I would definitely say that a trip to the vet would not be a bad thing... has he lost the weight suddenly? is he drinking more or weeing more? all signs of diabetes.... if for nothing more than your peace of mind I would take him to the vet and get him checked and then if it is the heat let mum say I told you so!

  8. If he's eating and his personality is exactly the same I wouldn't worry too much just keep a close eye on him, your mum is probably right. If he looses any more weight pop him to the vets for a check up. When we had long haired cats we had to cut the matted fur out, so maybe try that. Don't shave him thought as cats get easily embarrassed x x x

  9. Maybe he's just not eating enough, or it's just the heat outside. I don't think you should take him to the vet yet, unless he meows in a painful way and he feels like he's in pain. But does he have some pink spots on his bodies, like bald places without hair? If he does, then it might be worms and you should take him to the vet, he'll give you some ointment to put on your cat.

  10. I would definately take him to the vet just to be sure. The hot weather doesn't normally make cats lose weight. Better to be safe than sorry.

  11. Something sounds not quite right...I'd take him to the vet.

  12. Sounds like he may have worms. I'd take him to the vet and get him some tablets. They shouldn't be too expensive.

    Also, check him for small lumps. Our cat stopped eating and started getting a bit mangy and it turned out she had been bitten by a dog and had an abscess on her side.

    Good luck

  13. His fur being matted and weight loss are not good signs. Although older pets can become more bony feeling and can lose a little weight and sometimes they don't groom themselves as well as they used too when they get older.

    But no matter what age your cat is any health changes should be checked out by your vet also cats don't always purr when they are happy they are known to purr when in pain.

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