
Is my cat mentally challenged?

by Guest64712  |  earlier

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He's about 8 months old now. I just assumed that since he was still technically a kitten that he'd have these quirks. One of the things he does is play fetch. If someone throws a ball he will chase it and if he can pick it up with his mouth, he brings it back. He also has a little teddy bear that he attacks when he's bored & if I throw it, he fetches it too. I'm a little concerned about the teddy bear though. He really abuses that thing for no reason. Another thing he does is bites me for no reason. Sometimes I can't pet him because he will just bite at me or if I scratch my leg or something, he thinks it's fun to bite my hands. He's even bitten my face a few times! He's a very active cat and doesn't always do typical 'cat things'. Is he an inbreed or something?




  1. Agreed w/pper -- these are extremely typical kitten behaviors. Our kitten gets "bursts" of energy and will zoom through a room practically bouncing off the walls. She also loves to bite on almost anything -- hands, toes, shoelaces, etc. -- it's a normal teething sort of thing that all cats, dogs and such go through. Your kitten sounds normal to me.

  2. what do you mean by 'typical cat things'??? all the things you mentioned seem pretty typical on a cat to me!

  3. Honey it all sounds normal to me.You must have a cat breed thats high energy. I have 9 cats, 5 all from the same litter. one, just one, bites.We called him Bowie, after David Bowie, but he now known as biting Bowie. He is harmless and means nothing by it, as i feel its his way.

    I also have a red Burmese, and he is a barrel of laughs.He sucks up does the rubby thing then bites my face.Its not hard, its like a love bite to him.My hubbys tells me daily he is mentally challenged, LOL.

    Get your cat a scratching post,you know the ones with carpet on it.It might also be a good idea to get another cat,so yours can burn off excess energy.This will help with the biting too.

    Also,do NOT show any affection if its biting too hard.Once it leaves marks or draws blood, its a little bit too severe. Tell him no, because cats can be trained like dogs. I use a squiry bottle of just water on my cats if needed.Like,if they claw the screens or climb the curtains.This works the best I find. Try the squirty bottle for when it has a go at your legs.

    Your cat is fine, just energy abundant!

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