
Is my cat sick because meow tone has changed?

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I have an indoor female siamese cat who I let outside for a few hours a day, who 3 weeks or so ago got some scars on her ears. I don't know whether it was a bird protecting its nest or another cat, but at first I didn't worry too much about it when I noticed it. I have another female cat, they dont always get along, but they've gotten through 5 years together without getting into any fights (other than playful ones). Last three weeks the siamese has acted normal. Yesterday she puked up cat food (which isn't that uncommon since sometimes she eats too much cat food and pukes some of it up later), but I thought that was still pretty regular with her. Then for one and a half days I didn't see her walking around the house at all, I found her sleeping in the closet all day (which too isnt too unregular for her, but usualy I'd see her during the daytime at least a few times, and she always sleeps on my bed, but she stayed in the closet for the night). Then today when I took her out of the closet to see if she was maybe hurt (she wasnt), I let her go, she went to the room with the litterbox, but peed on the wall (it wasnt a spritz, shes not in heat, she just peed on the wall and the litterbox was pretty clean, so that was uncommon but I dont think thats what cats do when ill.).

I dont know if any of that is important, normally I wouldn't be too worried about any of that, but her tone of meowing has changed. She normally does meow a lot, sometimes for attention, other times because of annoyance, but now she has a different type of tone in her meow.

She did get her scars 3 weeks ago, but a cat usualy doesnt show its ill until it gets worse, because in the wild it would be easy prey if it showed it was injured.

I think she's okay, but Im just making sure, so any help is appreciated.




  1. dunno. ask a doctor instead of random idiots.

  2. Take her to the vet immediately.  It sounds like she's in pain and is distressed.  Those are all symptons of a cat that needs attention from a vet.  If you have not had her spayed, you should also have that done.

    It's just plain better for cats to be indoors only:  There's less chances of them getting injured by other cats, people poisoning them, hit by cars etc., etc.  They live longer healthier lives if they stay in.  A good cat tree by a window.  You playing with her with special toys and giving her extra attention will help to make up for not going outside.  It's a tricky adjustment, but it's worth your cat not getting harmed and you having to worry about her and you'll go to the vet less often.

    Good luck.

  3. As far as her voice is concerned, I dont think there's any need to worry about it changing.  Ya know us humans as we get older, our voices change too...for some of us who smoke, their voices get raspier, etc.  I would have her checked out for p'ing on the wall if it continues, this isn't normal.  I wouldn't let her out any more until  you know what's going on with her.

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