
Is my cat sick???

by  |  earlier

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I got a cat 2 weeks ago and shes about 9 weeks old and she has really bad diarhea...i feed her she tends to eat and sleep alot but that pretty much it but she has been crying alot.




  1. most likely. she needs to be taken to the vet. make sure she is updated on all the shots she needs for her age.

  2. Well what has the vet said?  Surely you've brought her to the vet and aren't just expecting strangers online to be able to diagnose her, RIGHT?

  3. It might be worms.  Crying means she is probably in pain.  If it is worms, you're going to have to get medicine from the vet anyway.  Take the kitty and a fresh stool sample in to the vet (preferably tonight but no later than early morning tomorrow), and find out what he/she says.  Make sure she keeps drinking plenty of water.

  4. I would say so. Have you taken her to the vet yet? It sounds like a possible case of intestinal parasites, but a vet would know better than anyone.

  5. try not to feed her wet food....definatley no people food and make sure she has no blood in her stool. if problems worsen after youve done this then you should consult your vet.
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