
Is my cat wierd or is something wrong?

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My cat is a year old and she pants sometimes when its hot out of if she plays alot. we usually make her go inside or try to stop her from playing. she also eats out of the garbage, if someone is sweeping the floor she will try to eat from the dirt pile, she will jump on the counter when no one is around and once chewed on a thing of butter and ate a lot of it. she killed and ate our fish, it had a lid on and she knocked it right off the table and water went everyhwere and she found him and ate him. she does other wierd stuff like goes swimming in the pond and is muddy and stinky after and doesnt care. if you make her angry she will go aftwer something of just that specific persons like once she took my moms ring and pushed it inot the drain because my mom wouldnt let her in the washroom. i think she's evil!




  1. I don't think anything is wrong, thats just how it is! My best friend has a cat who thinks its a dog, and so does my cousin.

  2. she is just wierd dont worry about it you might want to get her a toy she can chew on though

  3. Sounds like a typical cat to me, lots to laugh at. Just give the cat lots of love and enjoy.

  4. She's just being an extreme kitten! You may need to keep a good watchful eye on her as she explores her world and tell her no when you see her doing something she shouldn't be doing. If she takes something that she shouldn't, take it back. You may have to hide things and kitten-proof a lot more until she grows up and mellows out.

  5. If your cat pants with her mouth open it means she is VERY hot.

    Cats sweat through their paws. if it is very very hot they will pant

    through their mouths. Stop her playing and get her inside. At one

    year old you are still dealing with a kitten. Young cats don't really

    mature until they are about two years old so you are dealing with

    a young 'child' here.She is very nosy and that is why she is digging

    around in the dirt pile.Cats are extremely curious animals and have to smell and examine anything new in their territory. I doubt that your

    cat is doing things to get back at your mum like dumping her ring down the drain. Cats for whatever reason like to see things fall. I used to keep all kinds of stuff on my mantel. I have watched my cats jump up and one by one push each item off the mantel piece and watch it until it hits the ground and then go on to the next one. They do that on the coffee table too. As for swimming that is unusual but if you do live in a hot area she may enjoy cooling off. Or you may have a cat

    that has a rare breed in her like a Balinese which are cats that love the water. Each cat is different that is what makes them such interesting pets!

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