My cat is a year old and she pants sometimes when its hot out of if she plays alot. we usually make her go inside or try to stop her from playing. she also eats out of the garbage, if someone is sweeping the floor she will try to eat from the dirt pile, she will jump on the counter when no one is around and once chewed on a thing of butter and ate a lot of it. she killed and ate our fish, it had a lid on and she knocked it right off the table and water went everyhwere and she found him and ate him. she does other wierd stuff like goes swimming in the pond and is muddy and stinky after and doesnt care. if you make her angry she will go aftwer something of just that specific persons like once she took my moms ring and pushed it inot the drain because my mom wouldnt let her in the washroom. i think she's evil!