
Is my cats life coming to an end? :(?

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my cat is 13 years old, maybe older. over the last couple months, shes been getting skinnier. my mom said its cause shes getting older, and is probably not going to be with us for much longer. :( shes been getting the same amount of food as always, but is not eating as much. she has purina dry food, and has always been.shes also been having alot of hairballs, even though we brush her a lot. also, her front claws have been removed. t wasnt us, her previous owner. we got her when she was 6.




  1. you need to get blood tests done-it could be something easily treatable and 13 isn't that old for a cat

  2. many times an older cat will develop a problem with their thyroid which leads to weight loss and hair loss which will lead to the excessive hairballs---she needs to go to the vet and have a complete blood panel---prolly about $125.00---but if it is thyroid then it is treatable and she could have many more years left

  3. It could be. 13 - 15 yrs is more average for a cat's life span. Those cats that live to 18, 20, 22 yrs are rare---a VET told me that.

    She sounds like she is getting sick, perhaps there is an intestinal problem b/c of the hair, and indication by loss of appetite.  It would be good to take her to the vet so you can assess and better decide what to do.

    Please be mentally prepared for the possibility that she may have to be put down.

  4. you need to take her to the vet asap!  make htem do a blood test and xrays. she could have the same problem my cat had. there was so much fluid in him because his heart was failing. im not trying to scare you... it might not be that but you should have it checked out.  and 13 is the age of when the average cat dies. but that doesnt mean your cat will. for now just enjoy the time you have wtih him and when its time to let her go, think of it as letting her go to a better place. you wouldnt want her to suffer cause you love her. so if by any chance you have to put her down dont feel guilty for it. and if you have to say goodbye remember it wont be the last time you see her. youll see her in heaven. but anyways before you get too worried just check her out first it could just be something minor that can be fixed. so jsut get to the vet as soon as you can. good luck i hope you cat is ok  

  5. 13 is not old and your cat may have something that is very treatable.

    Cats can  live past 20. tell your ,mom to show some responsibility and take the cat to the vets to find out why she is losing weight.

    BTW that is terrible food to feed

  6. try giving her wet food or mix a little bit of tuna in with it. i have never knew a cat that couldnt resist it!

    if the food doesnt work go to the vet. but there is no reason to spend money on a vet visit when all she needs is some tastier food. for the hairballs they have hairball formula food for that

    13 isnt that old actually, my aunts cat lived to 21

  7. i would consult your local vet  

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