
Is my chicken still ok to eat?

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I made beercan chicken Wednesday night, can I still eat the leftovers today?




  1. as long as you had it well sealed, i'd say sure.

    it might not taste as good, but you won't get sick.

  2. no don't eat it only if u want to get sick

  3. i wouldn't eat it because it may have bacteria. i mean it will almost be seven days on Wednesday.

  4. yes yes i am a cook i love to cook


  5. I would say no

  6. Sure you can eat it if its been in the frig-i don't recommend eating left overs after a week being in the frig

  7. Sure, if it has been in a sealed baggie or a sealed container!

  8. Some would say that you should not eat chicken after three days.  I have eaten chicken up to a week later (stored in properly sealed container) and am still alive to tell the tale.

  9. Yes you can that's why its called left overs( my husband answered)

    I would not of been so rude what does that taste like give me the recipe it sounds good  

  10. Oh NO - the 3 day rule applies here. LOL

    Throw it away after the 3rd day. Eeewwwww!!!  

  11. Hi Lrw,

      If you made the chicken on Wednesday that would make the chicken 5 days old,even if you sealed the chicken in a plastic bag it would taste old. I throw out food that is 5 days old in my frig,even if it is sealed.

    Your Friend,


  12. has it been in a refrigerator?

    does it small off ?

    are you in philippines..

    salmonella multiplies every 20 mins .

    one germ  can be 2 million in 24 hours .

    e mail me.

  13. I wouldn't recommend it. Meat, especially chicken is very prone to develop  bacterias with can make you really sick. Meat should be consumed within 48 hours of being cooked.

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