My 11 year old girl gets straight A's. She has plenty friends and is well behaved around others. However, when she is at home, for most part she is fine except when things get stressful. She does not want to go to school so she throws massive fits. She rolls on the floor as if she has convulsions. She screams at us (her parents) her older sister and her younger brother. She will repetitively say "help me, why don't you ever help". Or "now everyone is mad at me again" even though we assure her that despite her awful behavior we still love her and we are not mad. We try to help with kindness and whatever we can think of that is within our power but it is Never enough or helping to her. She mostly throws fits when things don't go her way. She has always been like that, even as a baby. I don't know how much is maybe anxiety and not controllable by her or is she just trying to get her way? I know it's hard for others to figure that out especially over the net, but any advice or hearing from someone with experience with that would help. Our other 2 kids are very happy and easy going. This morning she threw a massive fit, like someone with Tourette's syndrom except she doesn't use swear words. I was going to dump cold water on her to snap her out of it but my husband wouldn't like that. I also told her that if she behaves that way she may have to ride on a handicapped bus and both my older daughter and husband thought it was a bad thing to say.