
Is my child oblivious to pain?

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My son is 8 months old. He is starting to walk and therefore is falling and getting bumps on his head. No big deal. However, don't babies usually cry when they hit their heads? He has no reaction. He just keeps on playing. At 5 weeks old he fell from my bed and cried for a few seconds. When I pick him up from the babysitter he had another bump on his head and I asked her about it and she had no idea, she said he never cried. Tonight in his bath, he was standing in the tub and as I was trying to get him to sit down he slipped and wacked his reaction! His head was red (no bump) and he didnt even care. Is this normal? Could something be seriously wrong?




  1. My daughter used to throw the biggest tantrums when she fell down or bumped her head on something-even when I knew it couldn't have hurt as bad as she was crying. I think it scared her more than hurt her. She's 10 months now and very very rarely cries when she bumps her head anymore. Sometimes it sounds worse than it is. I keep expecting her to burst into tears, but she hardly ever does anymore.

  2. I would have it checked out. There is a rare medical problem where the child feels no pain. they can have broken bones and all kinds of things and never know it because it causes them no pain.

  3. Babies heads can really tolerate a lot before they get hurt which is a good thing since their heads are the largest part of them.  I don't think there is anything wrong with him but if it will make you feel better, call the nurse triage line at your doctor's office.

    Good luck

  4. There is a very rare genetic condition called Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis.  It is where they physically cannot feel pain.  I don't know if your child has it, but I just want you to be aware.

  5. They say autism or other sensory problems sometimes cause people to underreact to pain...look for other signs of sensory or other developmental problems and hopefully you just have a tough kid.

  6. Do you make a big deal out of it when he falls?  I would bet not.  Usually little ones cry a lot for the attention they get.  I never made a big deal out of it and neither did my daughter.  Now if she falls and gets hurt if she cries I know its because she is in a LOT of pain.  She never cried when she was learning to walk either but she feels pain.  I think they are made to take it because they are so clumsy.  And the fall is only a few inches to a foot lol they are so small.

  7. lol does he really hit his head that much?!?!

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