
Is my chinchilla sick? do I need to take him to the vet?

by  |  earlier

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My chinchilla was fine these days, but today, he's acting a bit weird. He was just standing in a corner, and stare at the wall . By the way, he's now 6 years old. When I pet him, he's really active. When I leave, he just stand in the same corner. Then I let him out and run around to see if he's still acting weird. He just runs around as usual. But when he's back in the cage, he was still going back to the corner.

I usually let him out in the corridor. Is this fine, or should I let him out all through the house?

My chinchilla always sleeps in his cage in the morning, is this normal?

also, he doesn't like people hugging him, like taking him out and hold him. He just like poeple petting him.

Am I doing something wrong, or is my chinchilla just getting old and tired?

ps* how many years do chinchillas live? I heard is 8 years.




  1. Well he is 6 years old..they only live to be about 10-20 years, so he's getting up there in they get older, they get tired, and want/need less interaction..your not doing anything wrong..just give him a comfortable life..he may live another 5 years...but he wont be the young active chinchilla you remember...

  2. Chinchillas are nocturnal that's why their eyes are so big. As an animal ages so does the amount of activity they have. If you feel there is a HUGE change in appetite, or behavior such as eating more , eating less, not eating or acting super aggressive if he isn't aggressive then take him to the vet immediately. Other than that do what you feel is best. If you feel that there is something really wrong take him to the vet.  

  3. he probally gets lonesome u could get another or play with him alot

  4. - If your chinchilla ever acts lethargic or doesn't move, take him to the vet immediately.  He could be very sick!  Chins are great at hiding illnesses even up until the point where they die sometimes.  If you catch a disease early enough, chances are that you can save the chin.  Always keep a careful watch on how your chinchilla behaves so you can be sure that he or she needs medical attention!

    - Chinchillas are crepuscular(animals that are primarily active during twilight) and typically do not like to be disturbed during the day so dont worry if your chinchilla is sleeping in the day.

    - Chinchillas commonly live 15 years, but some have been known to live up to 20 or more.Currently (as of 2008), the world's oldest chinchilla is 27 years old and resides in the UK. The oldest chinchilla in America lived to be 26.

    Chins have very few problems, but here are some things to look for:

        * change in consistency of the droppings could be a sign of illness.

        * watery eyes

        * the teeth should be checked periodically to make sure they are straight and not growing too long. A chins teeth can grow up to 12" a year, and they are kept short by chewing and just by properly eating their pellets. If teeth problems exist, it also could be a sign of some other illness.

        * Missing fur patches can be a sign of fur biting, which is often stress related.

        * If the underside of a chin is wet or discolored, it could be a sign of infection or miscarriage.

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