
Is my college essay too risky? (involves abortion/teen pregnancy)

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I'm writing a supplemental essay for one of my schools (not the official essay, an extra one i can do) and involves my experience getting my girlfriend pregnant and subsequently her getting an abortion. However, the essay is not as controversial as you may think, given the topic. the first paragraph starts when she told me, and in good taste, very good taste, ends with everything being done with in a tasteful manner (abortion isn't even used as a word, its more ambiguous but obvious what happened). The body of the essay, the rest, is how it affected me and how it relates to college. Now, it really is tasteful. And (In my opinion) its amazing. but i don't want to potentially offend anyone...i mean, the college is liberal (harvard) so I don't think i'd run into a judgmental conservative. even then, the essay is really written in taste. offers no opinion on the issue at hand; its just about me.

By the way, the point of the essay is that to me, my college education is a way to prepare myself for a better life, a better life for my future children, a life that this child would have never had. It is no means a justification of what happened (in fact, it was her choice, not mine, and I would have kept it if I had the choice), than a goal I have set for myself.




  1. I don't think Harvard would flag you for abortion. Liberty, Bob Jones, and Pensacola would... lol.

    How has it changed your life? On one hand, it kind of looks like the two of you took the easy way out. She had an abortion and now you don't have to pay for your irresponsible actions. It doesn't matter whose idea it was. Harvard isn't looking for people who take the easy way out. It's looking for people who are hard working, diligent, and who get the job done no matter the sacrifice. On the other hand, you could use it to your advantage. "I was scared to death because I knew I could never measure up as a man, husband, or father. I knew this child would have a horrible life. Nevertheless, I wanted to fight for a good life for my family. I wanted to give everything I had to become a good example, someone my child would respect and admire. Then my girlfriend told me she'd had an abortion." Something along those lines. Point out that you weren't trying to take the easy road. You're prepared for every challenge life has thrown at you. See my point?

    Good luck!

  2. Sounds like you already know the answer to this question; you just need some support.  I wouldn't consider sending that essay to Oral Roberts University, but Harvard admissions might appreciate something that is original and a little "out there".  

  3. I think it sounds great!  It'll really get their attention, since it's not an experience that everyone has had.  And the fact that you've learned from it and can talk about it, I think, will impress them.

  4. It might be too risky, depending on who will be reading it and how they feel about abortions.  By having an abortion, this child will never experience growing up and making a life for itself either.  This child could have been raised by adoptive parents who would have shown love and caring for him/her, but this life has been cut short.  It is noble of you to be honest with this experience and I commend you for it, but not everyone will feel this way.  If this essay isn't necessary, then maybe I would pass this one by.  

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