
Is my colombian boa too small?

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I have a 2 y/o colombian rainbow boa, he is about 2.5 ft and about as big around as 3/4 of an inch... i feed him hopper mice because i am afraid to go any bigger in fear of hurting him. doing reading i know he should only hit about 4-5 foot... but i think he should be bigger around than he is. any advice?




  1. He sounds a little small! He should be eating mice or rats that are the same size as the thickest part of his girth... Also if you are scarred of him getting hurt, why not try f/t then he would only eat the size he could manage without the risk of being bitten by live food...aslong as you have defrosted the f/t food properly he should be fine. I thaw mine on a window sill and know when its warm enough by placing the mouse between my index finger and thumb and if it still feels cold it,s not ready as the organs inside aren't warm long as your boa isn't loosing muscle mass i wouldn't worry to much..hope this helps... good luck with your snake!

  2. maybe he is just a little one... he could hit a groth spurt you never know... just give him time and try a little biger of a mouse and feed once a week

  3. Yes, he should be bigger. But if you continue to feed very small food items like you are, it won't grow. You need to give it bigger food. You say you don't because of fear of hurting him, which leads me to believe you are feeding live. He should have no problem accepting a frozen/thawed adult mouse or small rat.

  4. he should be thicker than he is. you have to remember that he can swallow things twice the size of his head. also maybe you should feed him more often so he can get thicker.

  5. He's a small snake! For 2 y/o he should be at least 5 feet long.  He should be at his max. You should feed him more or feed him larger feed.  

  6. i would feed a mouse to him

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