
Is my complaint justifiable, or am I just greedy?

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Here's the deal: I am one of three sisters. I'm the youngest. The oldest sister is the only one who's married, and she has 4 kids. She's 17 years older than me! (I'm in my 20's)

Two times a year, my dad gives my oldest sister $200 so she can buy clothes for her kids. She is not struggling to clothe them by any means. Her husband makes more $$$ than my dad.

Meanwhile, he gives nothing to me and the middle sister.

Should I be upset by this, or is he doing the right thing (and I'm just whiny?)




  1. Whatever the reason you dad is playing favorites with your older sister it really doesn't matter. It is his money and he can do what he wants with it. I would feel slighted if this were happening to me (of course I would have to consider all of the other ways in which my father has helped me out.) But in the end, you are an adult and should be able to take care of yourself without help from daddy. Just look at it this way; he is making sure that you don't grow dependent and needy - he is making your stronger.

  2. what it's for the little kids  

  3. he clearly has a favourite.

  4. He is just trying to take care of his grandchildren. It would be understandable if you had kids of your own and your dad gave you nothing

  5. In life, we wear many "hats". Kid, student, parent, friend, etc. Your dad is wearing his "grandfather" hat. It's not about the money, he wants to contribute to his grandchildren. You can't keep score as a kid (I was the youngest of 3 girls too!). One thing about being the youngest, you grow up feeling that the two older siblings got to do more than you because you were "too young." Life is too short and there are a lot more important issues that face you.  

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