
Is my convict cichlid laying eggs? 10 points?

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I got two cichlids for about one to two weeks. They used to be in a sinking boat(decor) everyday. Today, the male is swimming around the decor and the female in hiding inside the decor, scrubbing its body against the decor.

Today, i changed the water and raised the temperature from 79*F to 84*F, put some aquarium salt and lots of stress coat +, the female convict's color turned very dark, is it possible that it is laying eggs?




  1. I definatly think so. 1st off if you do want them to breed their temp needs to be between 70 & 85 degrees & its best to offer them a variety of foods & live foods like guppys or snails ect.  The biggest reason  I think is because you said that the female was turning colors & that's a definate sign. Check out this website they have some good info & pics of convicts.

  2. yes most likely they will be laying eggs in 3-4 days watch you tanks temp and make shure you keep it lover then 82 cause tehy might not layit it was any hotter you feed them nomalymabey a bit ome for the female then let the eggs hatch

  3. i think it will be laying eggs keep a watch on her  

  4. Well that is a good possibility, I have 2 Blood Parrot Cichlids that have laid eggs in the past and they act just the same way you are describing when they lay eggs. Keep watch on them:)

  5. it is very possible they are cleaning an area to lay eggs. they breed like rabbits. I think you did the right thing by changing the temp. I would have went up to 82 but 84 is ok. I don't use alot of salt after the fish are already in the tank. Actually I don't use alot of salt in my tanks at all. I have never used stess coat and i have more african cichlid babies, amazon cichlid babies, kribensis babies than i know what to do with right now. I just bought 7 more tanks today. that will make 21 total. good luck with the convicts and all the babies to come.  

  6. I'm not sure but your temperature may want to be lowered. The guide I got said temperatures may be 68 degrees- 80 degrees, but I don't think 4 degrees is that big of a difference. Also females have pinker bellies than males but because of the weird behavior it might be laying eggs.

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