
Is my credit recorded affected by my husband's non-payment of bills?

by  |  earlier

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I am separating. For years I have been the sole wage-earner, and have paid all the bills. Long story - he could work, but wouldn't. All but one are actually in my husband's name.

We have already separated all our accounts, with the understanding that he would pay his share of the expenses from his half of the money. However, he has refused to pay, so I have continued to pay all of it as I didn't want to have the hydro turned off, etc.

My question is this: if I hand him the bills, only give him my half of the expenses, and he doesn't pay them, does it affect my credit rating?

I know it will "deep six" his, but that's his problem. I just don't want to go down with the ship, so to speak! I have an excellent credit rating, and want it to stay that way. As we are still legally married, I wondered it my credit rating is tied to his, even though the bills are in his name.

Thanks for any clarification you can provide. Canadian laws will apply.




  1. If both of your names are on the account it would affect your credit regardless of any agreements you have made since with your spouce / ex.

    Your credit can alSO be affected if your SPOUCE GIVES HIS CREDITORS YOUR NAME FOR RECORD AS WELL. This may not be fair but marriage makes you one in the finance game. Geta serperation filed and notarized ASAP. Closes all joint accounts you have together. Call all utilities if your leaving the homes and tell them to remove you from the accounts. Also put a credit/fraud alert on your profile with the credit bureaus so your spouce cannot without you knowing open up any new credit type of accounts.

    It will not be easy but good luck,

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