
Is my cut infected ?

by  |  earlier

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i tripped over my dog yesterday and fell on rocks. i got two cuts, one of them is smaller but it is red and pink (mostly pink around it) and my other one is larger with white watery stuff and pink on the outside.

So, is it infected, if or if not, what do i do ? it really hurts.. is there something i can put on it ?

thaaanks ! :)




  1. I agree. Pour some hydrogen peroxide over it. If it fizzes and bubbles then there's definitely some dirt and infection in there. Then put some antibiotic ointment like Neosporin on it, and cover it with a bandage to keep anything else from touching it.

  2. If its warm when you touch it and is pink color around it. Its mostly infected. Put some hydroporxcide on it. Good luck!
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