
Is my dad being unfair, or am I asking for too much?

by  |  earlier

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My dad won't let me do a paper round in my local area because he thinks it's unsafe (I'm 15 and I don't live in an area known to be dangerous) and he thinks it will get in the way of my GCSEs (yet he still won't let me do a paper round in the summer holidays). My parents don't even earn much money so I can't ask for money all the time. I feel so embarassed because my boyfriend's parents are so rich and I feel bad for letting him pay all the time when we go out. What can I do?




  1. You are 15.  Most of us have been there, it is difficult, there is no denying that.  Listen to your dad, I believe that he has your best interests in mind.  It is nice that you have a boy friend that has the funds to treat you well, enjoy that.

    My life -- I counted the days til I could leave home since I was 14 years old, my dad signed for me to join the Navy a month before my 17th birthday.  I was gone.

    You have my support, just bear it out for now.

  2. Sit down and discuss this with both your mom and dad.  If you can do it in a grown up manner they may be open to listening.  Maybe they still won't let you deliver papers but hopefully they can help you come up with some acceptable ways to earn some spending money.

  3. dont feel bad about the BF paying all time...if hes broke stay in....unfortunately you have to abide by your parents wishes....and understand that they are doing what they feelis the right thing even though you may not.

  4. i think your dad is being a little bit unreasonable. he mmay have a point about it being unsafe, but i would like to know where you actually lived before i could go against or support that opinion of your dad's.

    i think that you should be able to work if you want to earn some money and they should consider the fact that you want the responsibility of handling your own money and the privelage of some being in your posession. can you possibly ask your dad if you can apply for any other job? maybe a casual position in a store for a few hours on the weekends? they will have to come to a compromise somehow, you cant be sheltered for too much older than fifteen because you are going to turn 18 and not have any experience with working and earning money and learning the value of it.

    i think that you should have a calm sit-down with your dad and explain these points, plus the points you stated in your question about them not having much money, and you always feeling bad that you have to leave it up to your boyfriend to pay the exoenses each time you go out.

    i hope, that your dad isnt ignorant towards you, and is willing to listen to your views on this matter. even a small compromise from him would be nice wouldnt it? it would make him completely wrong to ignore about your opinion on this, as he's not letting you grow up and gradually work your way up to do more responsible things and to learn more about society and your points were really reasonable and sounded quite mature! : )

    it sounds like he has quite a mature daughter and should therefore stop treating you like a baby.

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