
Is my dad perverted? he stares at girls my age!

by Guest59227  |  earlier

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well im 14, and like when hes at the mall or sumthing he will stare and check out girls around my age and when they pass he will whisper da*m! like they are hot ...and he is married to my mother!!!its sick! they look like they are 15 or 16 years old, WTF is wrong with him? hes 43




  1. sounds like it he probally checks out your friends also when they come over.

  2. lol ya kinda haha

  3. pedophile! tell your mother, he is a sick pervert

  4. it's only natural

    he's a guy and they can't help but to do so

    he may be married, but that happens to everyone... i mean humans can't resist beauty... it's part of human nature  

  5. Let him know how you feel.  Tell him that it is very uncomfortable for you to see him behave in such manner.  And telling your mom (as per previous answer) is a great idea too.  His behavior is not only making you uncomfortable, but girls he stare at too.

  6. Every guy who is forty, still thinks he is a kid.  Your dad does not know how to control himself.  Noticing how hot a teenage girl is not wrong.  Trying to get with her is.  I would tell him that you know looking at young girls may be normal, but being so obvious about it around me makes me real uncomfortable.  He loves you very much, he will probably be mortified.  That may be enough for him to say sorry, and stop his behavior.  DO NOT TELL YOUR MOM.  DO NOT CALL THE COPS, OR PRINCIPLE.   Those kids that said that are CRAZY.

  7. maybe he is..

  8. yeah, gross

  9. yeah...that is disturbing.  I would make sure to start locking the bedroom door before going to bed-

    very wrong.

  10. eww, i know how you feel, my dad does that too! but he doesn't say d**n or anything. I think that he is one. You should tell your mom. Good l**k(=

  11. You can't control everyone and everything.  Short answer is it is non of your business*

  12. Come on, he is a guy. He can look all he wants. He maybe is thinking that girls didn't look like that when I was growing up.

  13. Uh, that is gross! Maybe he is having a midlife crisis. Next time ask him if he would want a man his age saying that about you. 14-19 is way to young for him to be checkingout. 14-16 is still a kid!

  14. I don't think there is anything wrong with his looking but the problem is when he has to comment about how hot they are. Be careful and don't have your friends overnight walking around in some shorty pajamas. This is not good that he would act this way at age 43 and married.

  15. lol haha srry yea all old men are like that  

  16. all men are pigs hunny, even your father.

    so is mine. get used to it.

  17. WTF THATS GROSS!!!!! yeah i would tell your mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  18. Tell your mom, and your principal, and teachers and your doctor and the priest and local cops too...

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