
Is my dalmation balloon molly pregnant?

by Guest63895  |  earlier

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I just bought a dalmatian molly from the pet store and when I was in the car going home i noticed it had a big belly, so I assumed it was a balloon belly but when i looked at the reciept it said it was just a normal molly, so can anyone tell me if its a balloon belly or pregnant?




  1. you need  a picture to answer this question, it could be a balloon molly and pregnant. if the pet store said its a balloon molly it probably is cause they're pretty hard to mistake for a regular molly. Also there will be  a little black spot where the gonopodium would be  on a male, but since it is a dalmation it will probably be covered in balck spots.

  2. my mollys blew their bellys up sometimes. Even my male. If she IS pegnant, take out the babbies ASAP. The mo will kill them!

  3. could be both just keep watch for the next few weeks they do keep the males with the females so your molly maybe prego make sure it is a girl before the a**s it will have an anual fin that is triangular if instead the fin is straight it is a male

  4. Well, send a pic on photobucket. Also, is it a male or a female? Because if it's a male, then it obviously isn't pregnant lol. Most mollies sold at PetStores are males. A male has a gonopodium fin, that is narrow, and a female has a bigger oval fin. Here is a picture to help you tell the difference:

    (The one on the top is the female.) Also look at these photos:


    (the gonopodium fin is circled)


    (here's another guide for telling the difference:

    Also, this is an example of a female balloon molly (not pregnant)

    and a male balloon molly:

    (look at the top of the page)

    good luck!! Buy a breeder net just in case.....

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