
Is my daughter a good singer?

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Do you think my daughter is a good singer?

That's the link. And I would truly like to know the truth, be it mean or nice. I am enrolling her in voice lessons, and I believe she is amazing, but she's my daughter, so I'm a bit oblivious to her being bad (if she is so). Anyway, I don't want the money for the lessons to go to waste if there's no hope. She is interested in other things too, so singing is not mandatory for us. If she has promise, I'd like to enroll her, but if it is a total waste of time, I don't want to waste money.

I just need some other points of view.

Thank you.

also, she has never had singing lessons before and has never practiced with vocal cds.

But she has been playing piano since kindergarten.




  1. she possibly has potential, taking lessons with a good instructor should hopefully correct flaws that are there now.  also i really think he needs to find her own style of music, it really seemed like she thought the music was above her

  2. i mean its like she could take voice lesson then she would you know sing better. im not saying shes bad. so yeah your on the right track

  3. Don't look at it as "a waste of time". Even if she doesn't become the next pop singer, she'll probably enjoy learning how to sing and improving her voice. She can hold a tune, but singing lessons would definitely help her have a stronger voice.

  4. Ask yourself..... what would Simon Cowell say??

  5. From that song, I don't think she'd go very far. She's trying to sing something that she can't, which is a no-no! Try a different style of singing because there IS something in her voice that has the potential to be much better.

  6. I'm going to give you an honest answer. I believe she is not that bad. She sounds extremely nervous and you can tell she's never had vocal training. But other than that, I believe vocal lessons would NOT be a waste of time. She has some raw natural talent that needs trained. She doesn't sound tone deaf which is a very good thing lol. She needs work on her pitch in some parts but who is perfect. The best advice I can give you is to support her no matter what. If she wants to sing, let her. I hope my answer helped your situation and good luck with the training. : )))

  7. I have been involved with music performance for over 20 years and my honest opinion is that  she isn't a natural singer. Her voice and her hearing do not seem to connect which means she has no real control. The fact that she has these recordings and doesn't hear herself also tells me this.

    I hate to dash anyones hopes, but if she insists on continuing, more power to her, but she would need to work a life time to get her voice  to sound only decently. The competition out there is just too great. I would hate to see her entire love of music dashed after she invests time and money into it.

    Is she a good guitarist or piano player? There is a lot she can do with music in these two areas. I truely only wish her the best of luck.

  8. i gotta tell you this. she is good but she wont make it far. she isnt just the type for singing. i only know this because i have been singing since i was 2!

  9. She is by no means fantastic. Some of the notes in that song are too high and out her range - especially in the middle.

    If she has some coaching and really wanted to do it, and stuck with songs in her range, yes she could be a good singer. Like everything it takes practise.

    Playing the piano also helps a lot as it will probably help her with pitching the notes.

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