
Is my daughter allergic to the formula or getting sick.?

by  |  earlier

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OK my daughter is six weeks old and is starting to spit up allot more i haven't changed her feedings or how much I'm feeding her but when shes laying there after I'm done feeding her she spits up allot more now. so my question is, is she just getting sick or should i change her formula??




  1. Try keeping her upright after her feedings.

  2. Are you burping her?  And you need to hold her with her head and upper body up higher than the lower part of her wonder she is spitting up...

  3. ok, you need to hold her upright after she eats or put her in sitting position, make certain she burps well after eating. How do you feel when you lay down right after eating?

  4. First thing to see if it works is to keep her upright for 10- 20 minutes after a bottle. If this doesn't work talk to your doctor- they can do tests to see if its an allergy or what. Usually an allergy has more symptoms then spit up like a rash, baby appears to be in pain, blood in the stool or either constipation or diarrhea. It could be that your little one is finding the formula too strong and needs a gentler one. Make an appointment with your doctor- if it is gone by the time she is seen then she can have a check-up to see if all is well but if the problem still exists then it can be dealt with. Good luck

  5. Try keeping her up right after feedings.

    Could be she is having a hard time digesting the formula- but in this case usually they will also be experiencing alot of gas or hard to pass gass that causes excessive fussiness.

    My nephew had ejectile spit ups.  It was normal for him and there wasnt much that could be done about it.  He just spit up huge amounts after eating...but, he still got all the nutrients he needed cause he was a chubby chubby as they should be.  It didnt effect him any at all.

    They do have formula out there thought that is for excessive spit up, gas and fussiness.  You can try changing it over and see if that helps any.  

  6. I had the same problem with my three girls. I had to add a little cereal to the formula. They were'nt able to keep liquids down.

  7. It could be a number of things : She could be having a hard time digesting the formula, have an intolerance, have reflux ... I recommend calling your babys' doctor to see what is recommended.

    I hope this helps!

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