
Is my daughter having s*x??

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Yesterday she came down to go to school and she was dressed conservative. She usually wears belly tops and short skirts. Obviously, by dressing this way, it is to distract us. We asked her if she's having s*x over and over and she said the only person who would know would be her.. AND HER LOVER. How dare she! I don't think she is, but why would she want us to beleive so? She might be trying to distract us from someone else who is having s*x, but I have no idea who. Not my other daughter at all, because she is an all round angel. She's perfect!




  1. wow

    no offense

    but the way you treat you other daughter compared to this one is discracefull.

    so my guess is she is trying to get attention from you so you wont just pay attention to your other daughter

  2. umm..  i don't think this is a question it's more like a blog or a venting kinda thing but i would just ask her if she is having s*x and you can't get mad at, her you have to calm and laid back and i think she'll tell you.

  3. hmmm that sounds a lot like the episode of Secret Life of the American Teenager. In fact it is exactly like it.

  4. If you really wanted to know,... visit a spy shop and get a sound amplifier and listen to her conversations from long distance, or bug her room temporarily. You will know one way or another, I promise.

  5. okay wow...clearly you stole this from The Secret Life of an American Teenager. and i guess i'll answer this with what happened. no your daughter isnt, she's covering up for your "perfect" daughter, who is also pregnant.

  6. I feel sorry for your daughter.  It must be hard to be constantly compared to your so called angel.  

    She dares because it gets your attention, maybe away from the angel, or maybe because she feels you are going to judge her regardless so why bother.

  7. if your daughter is having s*x hope to god is safe! and if she is and doesn't want to tell you don't keep asking she just wants attention.... let her tell you when shes ready! just be more nosey go to her room call her or tell her to keep her doors open when there's a boy over!

  8. That is wrong that you ask her that much and if so she will trust you less by you being that way, Think about it would you want your mom or dad knowing that you were having s*x with anyone when you were younger and if you answer yes then your a parent swallowed in your lie.

  9. Lol get serious. I seriously doubt your a parent. Your other daughter is "perfect"? Well, I would understand why she would be pissed off at you. You seem to look down on her.

  10. A sudden change in attitude or more conservative clothing could mean a drastic change in your daughters life. She may have had s*x or she could have started getting her monthly( if she hasn't got it yet). She might be confused so talk to her.

  11. hahahahaha!  You are so naive, aren't you?  Well, the only people who would know ARE her and her lover!   Good parenting letting her normally wear belly shirts and such, btw.

  12. Well.. kids normally don't act or dress differently because of change in the way they dress.

    and when you say "Obviously, by dressing this way, it is to distract us"

    it's not to distract you.

    and if a parent asks a kid over and over the same question EXPECTING the answer that they want.. the kid will eventually give the parent the answer whether it's true or not for the pleasure of putting the parents mind in a twist.

    You should remember how you were when you were a teenager.

    Adults tend to forget that when they have kids for some reason.

    and sadly.. no ones kid is an angel. they only an angel while around their parents because they don't want an argument or confrontation.

  13. I peronally think you might be jumping to conclusions. So what if she changed what she wore something different one day. Maybe she had a school presentation or a mock job interview for a class she didn't mention and she had to dress up or maybe she got dares to dress diffrently or maybe she jsut felt like dressing differently. If my parents got upset because I wore something diffrent one day I would be kinda mad because I just wore something different so why would they think I was having s*x?  And why do you think she is having s*x? Have you seen her with birth control pill or something? Or condoms? Do you even have a reason to suspect she's having s*x besides she changed her clothing for a day? You're jumping to conclusions.

  14. Yeah she probably is. You say shes "perfect", but people also say that college students who binge drink, have s*x, orgys, get stds, drink and drive, do drugs, and end up getting killed are "perfect".

  15. Secret Life of the American Teenager is a show that discusses this teen girl who dresses like that and seems like the one who'd be doing drugs and having s*x, then they find out their other angel-daughter is pregnant. Listen, sit your children down and talk to them. Some kids naturally pass the parent moniter - she may not as innocent as she seems.

  16. Secret life of an american teenager she got that phrase she said the only person who would know would be her.. AND HER LOVER from that show. And her dressing like that is to distract you guy. Watch the show. It comes on tuesdays at 7 abc family.

    On the show: The sister is dressing weird to distract her parents and they are asking her if she have had s*x but the point is she's doing that to keep her sister secret. Her sister secret is that she is pregnant.

  17. dont freak out too much. dont allow her to play games with your head. she is probably just testing the waters.she may have already done it and is testing your reactions, or maybe is thinking about it and wants to know how you will respond.

    wether she is doing it or not, sit her down an discuss with her that you have noticed changes in the way she dresses and the way she has been acting. tell her you are not sure whats going on but that you want to discuss the responsibilites and consequences that come with having s*x. ex. std, pregnancy, emotional heartbreak, self respect..... even if you already had the talk, it sounds like now is the time to review it.

  18. Um, you are so lying!  This is the EXACT scene from The Secret Life of the American Teenager!  Her father even said she was 12, and she said 13.  And OH MY GOD, don't say this is real because I have a photographic memory, plus this recorded on my TV, and it's the SAME THING AS WHAT YOU ARE LYING ABOUT!

  19. I'm not you daughter so i cant say YES or No for sure but being a female teenager and hanging out or even seeing girls like that shes prob. not she also prob. dosnt like you in her bissiness. Sound like she is just tring to become miture as fast as possible.

  20. well even an angel can be a demon at times believe me. and your daughter may be having s*x but dont worry about it instead of pressuring her to tell you make sure she knows you will be understanding an get her birthcontrol if she needs it because if she feels threatened she will NEVER tell you my mom makes sure i know its ok to talk to her an she will put me on the pill when the time is right so come across understanding rather than asking so many q's :]]

  21. secrete life of the American teenager!  Ashley dresses like a nun  parents thinks it's weird cause she were belly tops .  she's covering up 4 amy who is pregnat and alsso the angel child of the family. I not a huge fan of the show but come on who do u think u r fooling

  22. your a f****n ***** what the h**l u stupied w***e why are u doing that to ur daughter thats the reason that she wont talk to u because u think the other daughter is perfect and not her u dont know what u are doing by saying that to her all i know is that by being a parent especially a mother ur always supposedto love ur kids the same nomatter WWHAATTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. that was the same way with my two daughters i thought one was perfect and one was into some stuff but your daughters know what your thinking. they know you think one of them is perfect so the other one fells inferior so she is trying to get you attention and put some of the focus back on her. she maybe feels like you love your other daughter more. Oh and i don't think she is having s*x but i do think you should spend some 1 on 1 time with her away from everybody else and talk to her about what she's dealing with.

    i hope this helps!!!

  24. ok that is from the secret life of the american teenager... you know what it is , a new tv show... myabe your older daughter is preggo!!! you d**n troll!!! ( well you ae either a troll or a wanna be freak!!!)

  25. Only 12? 12 year olds have s*x these days. That is the cold hard fact. 12 year olds get pregnant and have babies. You need to keep a close eye on her as parents and forbid her from dressing S****y and hanging around boys. Your not doing your job as a parent to protect your child.

  26. yes it is your other daughter having s*x. you want to know how i know.

    the baby daddy is a school man w***e who wants to get with a christian virgin. the christian virgin  wants to get with an ex who was with the man w***e.

    the secret life of the american teenager

  27. She probably is...and "her lover" can do whatever he wants because you are his polar opposite.  If they are underage I'd go for the juggular and press charges.

    Ummmm...but why going to school in the end of July???

  28. she could be joking, she could be telling the truth that the only person would know is her and her boyfriend.

    but all lies get out over time, don't worry just watch her more.

  29. wow, Secret Life of the American Teenager much ?

    Are you kidding me, this is obviously from the Secret Life of the American Teenager, the same exact words and actions, i dont think it is some weird coincidence

  30. mkay, only 12?prolly not..but then again 13 year olds are getting pregnant..u have to realize, your daughter's not one is and accept parents think i am and honestly, it drives me insane....don't pressure her into tell you otherwise she will just want to hide it more and more...just keep a CLOSE eye on her

  31. -Maybe your other daughter's not so perfect.

    -Girls her age (and I'm guessing mine to) dress like that to make a statement

    -She's probably trying to make you think that 'cause you keep telling her she can't. Most teenagers go EXACTLY AGAINST what their parents say-especialy if they repeat it over and over again.


    Trust her. She wants her parents to understand and believe her. She probably isn't and just wanted to see your reactions. How old is she? Because when she is ready for s*x, she will do it whether you allow it or not, or she might realize she is too young and not. Talk to her about it, tell her you trust her... remember though. Where I live the legal age for intercourse is 16. But don't worry so much.

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