
Is my daughter sick or just growing up???!!! (girls)

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my daughter is eleven years old. she says she has been having discharges heavily for over two months now. shes scared but while growing up no one explained anything to me so i know nothing about it. one website said that it was the beginning of the "menses". what does it all mean? i honestly have no idea.

b nice with the answers, pls. i'm not stupid i just couldn't ask my parents that kind of thing.




  1. Book an appointment with your doctor and get a physical for her.  Could be the beginning of her period (which is what "menses" means) however it could be a urinary tract infection.  You both need a crash course in s*x education and how the body works.  There are a lot of books available that explain how the growing body works and what changes will take place.

  2. You are a woman and know nothing about puberty?  Have you tried reading a book?

    It's normal for girls entering puberty to have a discharge.  It can last for a few years before a period comes.

  3. It sounds like she is growing up.  Menses means menstrual cycle, or period.  It is not unusual any more for kids to get thier periods young.  My daughter is 15 and almost every one of her friends got thier periods in 5th grade (she thought there was something wrong with her because she was in 7th).  There is a book by the "American Girl" collection called "The Care and Keeping of Me".  It is sold in the childrens section of bookstores.  My daughter loved the book and I found it to be really helpful.  It talks about everything from bathing, to shaving to puberty.

  4. your daughter could  be starting her period, if she already hasnt.

    I think maybe its time to take her to her first gyno appointment, this will help you both understand what it happening.

  5. DUH she has been having her periods.  

  6. I'm so sorry no one showed you. no one showed my mom either. let me give you a few tips. first of this is completely normal a sign that shes starting her period soon. however everyone is different. ive been having discharge since 4th grade (light) and still haven't started 2nd if she complains of sore b*****s cramps pubic hair these are also signs she will start soon. beware she may be moody or depressed so its important to give her space. her genital area will burn if she doesn't drink enough water and make her wear panty liners if her discharge is heavy. watch what she eats too shes a growing girl. also at this age if she doesn't have bras its important to buy her some. also make sure she gets plenty of exercise. hope this helped. good luck!

  7. Some people get discharges 2 years BEFORE their period. Don't worry she's fine!

  8. i'm not sure either bring your daughter to the doctor's likely he will be able to ease both your minds, and if something does happen to be wrong you will be in the right place :)

  9. You know what a period is by now I hope.Explain it to her.

  10. Take her to the dr. and let the dr. (she) figure it out.  If she's having heavy discharges for more than a week, she runs the risk of becoming anemic.

    TX Mom

  11. Take her to the doctor to have her checked out. It is probably just the beginning of puberty, but better to be safe than sorry!  

  12. It could be she's about to start her period.

    Most of the time right before a girl starts, she has heavy discharge of either yellow or white color.

    Also, although lots of people say that you don't really get that til like... a month before your period starts, i had it for almost a year before my period starts, so I'm guessing you shouldn't tell her that she's gonna get it like... next week. xD

    Just tell her to relax. It shall be okay. :D

    A good site about this stuff for her and for you is:

  13. I'm no girl, but I'm a dad of a girl! I'd book an appointment with her doctor!

  14. for most girls puberty starts around 11 so its probably because her body is getting ready for her to have her period. Her body also might be cleaning it self out.

    If the discharge is lumpy (like cottage cheese) and smells bad it might be a yeast infection and you should take her to the doctor.

    menses-The monthly flow of blood and cellular debris from the uterus that begins at puberty in women and the females of other primates. In women, menses ceases at menopause. Also called catamenia.

  15. I am the kind of person that when in doubt of anything to do with the body I ask the doctor. That is what they are there for so pick up the phone and ask on Monday.

  16. Yo. Don't be scared about asking ur parents. There not monsters!!! Look, if ur not comfortable with asking ur parents, ask someone who is close to u. Good Luck!!!!!

  17. it is probably tht she is just going into puberty

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