
Is my doctor a QUACK?

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I have really bad heartburn. He tells me he's going to cut out my prilosec because Mylanta is the same exact thing. I was taking one a day plus Zantac at night but he told me I didn't need the Zantac either. He says my whole problem is MILK. (I drink one glass a day of nonfat dry milk.) "Your problem is too much sugar!!! Milk has a lot of sugar. Lactose intolerance is just SUGAR intolerance. Applejuice is the WORST thing for you!!! Don't drink that!!!" Do you think he's crazy?




  1. if i were you consult other doctors and see what they think and what you think yourself

  2.   Your Dr is being honest with you. Mylanta is another antacid just like Prilosec.  Maybe Prilosec (pill form) wasn't working. So he's switching you to Mylanta ( liquid form) which will be absorb faster. .  

    Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest significant amounts of lactose, the major sugar found in milk. Lactose intolerance is caused by a shortage of the enzyme lactase, which is produced by the cells that line the small intestine. Lactase breaks down milk sugar into two simpler forms of sugar called glucose and galactose, which are then absorbed into the bloodstream. Not all people deficient in lactase have the symptoms commonly associated with lactose intolerance, but those who do are said to have lactose intolerance.

    People sometimes confuse lactose intolerance with cow’s milk intolerance because the symptoms are often the same. However, lactose intolerance and cow’s milk intolerance are not related. Being intolerant to cow’s milk is an allergic reaction triggered by the immune system. Lactose intolerance is a problem caused by the digestive system. Nonfat dry milk contains a lot of sugar.  

    Regarding applejuice.  You have to read the ingredients. We try to avoid any processed foods.  A lot of the juices contain high fructose corn syrup and sugar which is not good for you.  They are high glycemic index foods which can contribute to Diabetes and obesity. and eventually cardiovascular problems.  

    The glycemic index (GI) is a numerical ranking of carbohydrate-containing foods based including junk foods - on their potential to raise blood sugar levels. High-GI foods are quickly digested and absorbed, producing a rapid rise in blood sugar and insulin levels. Low-GI foods, on the other hand, are slowly digested and absorbed, producing a smaller, more gradual rise in blood sugar and insulin levels. Why is this important? High levels of blood sugar and insulin have been linked to many of the health problems that are so common today

    No, if I were you I would stick to this Dr who tells the truth and covered by your insurance.  He's practicing good preventive medicine. Don't waste your money. Second opinions are only good if you have complicated diseases.    

  3. Lactose intolerance is NOT intolerance to all sugars.  I have no trouble with sucrose, glucose or fructose-based products, but a severe lactose intolerance.  

    As to the other arguments, he may just have a beef with the drug companies.  

    Strangely, used to have severe heartburn and sucked down antacids like crazy until my lactose intolerance was diagnosed.  Since then, I haven't used them for years.

    I'd get a second opinion.

  4. Not being a qualified doctor I wouldn't like to judge but you could always get a 2nd doctors opinion.

  5. he sounds nutty

  6. Consider going to a gastroenterologist in order to get a second opinion from a specialist.

  7. He's crazy.  I just went through a similar experience, only my doctor isn't a quack.  I had sudden onset of nasty heartburn which presented as an awful feeling of something being stuck in my esophagus.  Mylanta did not help, so she put me on Prilosec (they are NOT the same thing!).  Prilosec didn't help, so she put me on Aciphex.  Aciphex was the magic bullet, and I'm fine now.  I had a gastroscopy to rule out anything bad- it came out normal.  Switch doctors if you are able, or ask to be put on Aciphex for a while.  I hope you feel better soon!

    Edit:  Sugary things do cause an acid stomach in me, but I don't eat a lot of sugary things in the first place.  I had to start dropping things like caffeinated coffee, etc.

    Edit:  Prilosec doesn't neutralize stomach acid like Mylanta or other inhibits stomach acid production.
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