
Is my doctor ignoring signs of preeclampsia?

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Here lately anytime I wake up my hands are so swollen that I can't bend them, and if I'm on my feet for longer than 30 minutes my feet swell and my legs hurt so bad. I have bad abdominal pressure like I have to pee and when I go to the restroom barely anything comes out... I tried to mention this to my doctor and he tells me that I'm gaining way to much weight and that it sounds like early signs of preeclampsia... I understand to stay away from salts, junk food, and sodas but shouldn't something else be done besides telling me it sounds like early signs? Maybe I just don't understand... This is my first child and I'm trying to gain knowledge as I go so please don't be rude. Also I'm 29 wks




  1. I am 28 weeks and I had the same issue with my doc when I thought I was having signs of preeclampsia.  I am 28 weeks.  You are doing all the right things, and that is all you can do, some people cannot help it regardless.  Your doctor can't do anything else for you until your blood pressure reaches the certain blood pressure reading that categorizes it as preeclampsia.  So just so what you are doing, eat healthy, elevate feet, stay away from salt, but other than that many women have these signs and symptoms and for the most part it is normal and there is nothing you can do until it is "serious"

  2. go to mexico and get a real doctor!

  3. Yes these are signs and I think your doctor should be more concerned. Please get a second opinion from an OBGYN. You need to be sure your heart, your blood sugars, and your blood pressures are safe so that your delivery is safe.

    Best of luck to you!

  4. how far along are you? yes cut your salt and what you eat to healthy food but your doctor prob. know what he is talking about cause the only cure to prclamp. is delivery and if your nowhere near your due date than its probably best to just take his advice very seriously!! premature birth is never good

  5. You might have the early signs of it - but they really don't do anything until you have protein in your urine and high blood pressure, as those are the "for sure" signs of it.  If you start to get dizzy or get bad headaches, you should call and let your dr know, otherwise if you wait till your next appointment, just express your concerns to him.  When they do your urine test and blood pressure, they will let you know if there is anything there to be concerned about.  Congrats on the baby and good luck!

  6. They aren't going to do anything about it because technically you don't have it YET.  He is warning you that you do have early signs that could mean you will get it so all you can do is try your best to eat healthy and prevent it.  If it gets worse they are going to do something about it but for the time being you are really the only one that could prevent it.  Good luck.

    Oh and I have that bladder thing all the time, probably since about 30 weeks, it is because your baby is getting a lot bigger now, so he/she presses on your bladder more, making it feel like you really have to pee when there isn't really that much urine in your bladder.  I feel like I have to pee all the time and hardly anything comes out, and I don't have preeclampsia.

  7. there are more indicators besides swelling; your urine should be checked to see if you are spilling protein and your blood pressure should be closely monitored; i will assume that you are receiving proper pre-natal care and if so, any pre-natal visit would have included the above on a routine basis; i'm surprised that your doctor would not tell you to "stay off your feet" as much as possible; if all the above things were not done, i would get another source of pre-natal care

  8. You can always get a second opinion or switch doctors at any time in your pregnancy if you feel you are not being listened to.

    If you are concerned about pre-eclampsia you need to increase the amount of protein you are eating and reduce the amount of sugar/fat/carbs in your eating plan. Accidently skipping or missing meals can cause harm during pregnancy.

    If you snack, snack on protein. Eat several, small protein based mini meals a day instead of the standard three. Your womb and placenta are self-healing if given enough materials like protein and water to work with. There is still time to turn this situation around. This is the one time in your life that you are able to eat yourself out of trouble.

    More information on an optimal eating plan for healthy pregnancy on the page below. Best wishes, G

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