
Is my dog at risk? New puppy in the house. ?

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I have a dog and she is up to date on all her shots. But we have a new puppy in the house and I'm sitting for a couple of weeks and she hasn't had any of her shots and hasn't been dewormed. Can anything happen to my dog?




  1. NO

    because the dogs are get ing shots in case he gets sick or anything

    Well you puppy is still young

    if he is always indoor

    its unlikely to get sick

    Don't think that dogs are not immune to anything

    YES THEY are..

    they might be strong than we are..

  2. yes...worms

  3. OK, sometimes other dogs have bad things, even if you don't know, and if a dog that has not gotten shots yet will contract that diesease, ect faster.

  4. u have theo take t puppy to the vet to get all of her shots. puppies are more likely to get sick and infected quickly than adult dogs, so before anything can happen, take the puppy to vet and get all the shots!

  5. You are sitting the puppy? I would worry more about it than your dog catching something. Keep them seperate.

  6. It's depends if the little puppy is a girl dog or boy dog. If its a boy dog you might want to get both of them neutered and spayed, if it's a girl you don't have to but it's still a good idea. If the dog already has it's shots then it will not hurt them. The new puppy still needs to get the shots.

    Hope I helped!


  7. i am not sure but i think so.

  8. Your dog is covered if she has all her vaccines. It is the puppy that is at risk.  Your dog can and will get worms if the puppy hasn't been wormed.  It easy to do, just go to the pet store and get safeguard or pyrantel pamoate for both dogs.  Also pick up all poo or the worms will get in your soil and then be a battle to get rid of (especially in warm climates).

  9. sure, there's a risk. But it depends on the enviornment. if it's clean/safe for the dog's health, there is a low risk of getting sick.

    But of course, anything can happen.

    so i say, get the dog up to date on his or her shots, and there should be nothing to worry about.

  10. if the other dog has worms and your dog sticks his nose in the p**p, or eats the p**p your dog might be at risk for that, but if its on heart worm meds anyway, you should be fine. Honestly i think it that your dog will be fine, as long as you watch both of them closely and keep both of them happy.  Worse comes to wost you can always call your vet for a second opinion...

  11. Yes, she can get a disease and die.

  12. A newborn should not associate with unknown dogs until its shots have been given. Call your vet and ask for proper advice. They'll suggest what you should do or what precautions to take.  

  13. well, shots can fail just like in humans. so, I would say keep the puppy away from the other dogs until it has had its shots. good luck.

  14. of course

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