
Is my dogs rib broken?

by  |  earlier

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My 3 year old miniature schnauzer is 1 month pregnant. While rubbing her belly i noticed her rib kinda sticking out. I lightly put pressure to see her reaction and she just laid there, she is moving, jumping, running up and down stairs, and just not showing any signs of pain. What could this be?




  1. Shouldn't be broken if it doesn't bother her....Maybe a puppy is pushing it out lol

  2. What could this be?  It's a really good reason to take your dog to see your vet.

  3. a lot of smaller breed dogs have this i don't know why but it is something like an extra rib......not a vet or anything but if you ar econcered ask your vet..

  4. She has no broken ribs.  Don't be bothered.

    I have 11 dogs at home and I know that if something is bothering any of them, he/she will try to ask for your help.

  5. I would think it would be because she is pregnant.  Although she isn't that far gone, the womb will be expanding and putting pressure on her ribs, making one stick out.  This is very common in smaller dogs.  If it becomes much more prominant, get a vet to check it out.


  6. take her to the vet to get it checked out, it could be nothing, but it could also be something very serious.

  7. More than likely this is from a pup pushing on her rib cage - my son did this when I was pregnant with him, laying up against my lower ribs and pushing them out of place.

    Take her to the vet for an x-ray just to make sure she is fine if that will make you feel better
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