
Is my drama teacher retarded?

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No, seriously. This is not a joke.

Yesterday, she dressed up in black and told the whole class to think about something that changed their lives significantly first thing she did when we came in. Then she made people share it. She told us stories of how she nearly died and stuff, which is what most people did. However, she made two girls in the class cry because of their sad experiences. On the second one, when the kid wouldn't share her experience, my drama teacher shouted "SHUT UP AND SHARE YOUR FREAKIN EXPERIENCE!" Then she made us do improvisations on one of the experiences.

After the class, I asked her if she was depressed and she said "No, I'm just tired and sick."

Honestly, do you really think a normal teacher would dress in black, speak really softly, ask the whole class about personal experiences, make us do role plays about them isn't depressed?




  1. There is a big difference between retardation and depression, and between just being slightly strange.

    Most teachers are slightly strange.  The children make yto that way.

  2. I know some very normal people who dress in black all the time because they think it looks good on them.  It doesn't indicate depression.  I don't know how softly she spoke, but that may have been to get the class' attention.  She asked people a very general question.  She didn't make the girls cry; they chose to think of sad experiences, even though she didn't require that.  Furthermore, she is teaching drama.  Bringing out emotions like that is what they do.  I think you are overreacting.  She sounds perfectly normal for a drama teacher to me.

  3. Participants in drama classes generally use their emotions to convey the script they are using.  It sounds like your teacher was attempting to get you all to feel something.  And find a better adjective than "retarded," it is offensive to many.

  4. this is drama? what did you expect? drama is expression of feelings, thoughts, actions! she is  showing you dramatic expression and sounds like a good teacher for this class. you as a student of drama will need to learn to show sadness, joy, pain, happiness, and sometimes without anything but words! this experience can be an enriching experience for you.

  5. It's a drama class. Anything is up for grabs to get you to open up, share feelings and emotions so that you can bring that to the stage. Even rage at making someone say something can be useful.

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