
Is my employer permitted to make me find a replacement for myself when I have jury duty?

by  |  earlier

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I work in retail, and my manager is telling me that I must find my own replacement to fill in for me during the days I have jury duty. Is this right??




  1. That does not sound right to me. If they need a temp, that's their problem to find one. It is a supervisors responsibility to cover a shift. Also, it is illegal for them to stop you from going to jury duty, that much I know. It is your civic duty, they can't block that.

  2. I think it would be a good thing for you to try to find a replacement, but he can't keep you from going if you don't have one.

  3. This is truly open to interpretation.  As your supervisor, he is empowered to assign tasks to you.  You haven't explained where he expects you to find your replacement from.  Do you have a "secretarial pool" to raid?  Has he given you a budget to hire a temp?  Has he threatened you with repercussions if you don't come up with one?

    Don't look at this as having to do his job, (which it is), rather, look at this as a test.  He is testing your abilities. He wants to see how much responsibility he can delegate to you.  Handle this task well, and raises or promotions may follow.

    Your best approach would be to ask to speak with him privately, and ask him for clarification.

    Good Luck,

  4. No. not right.

  5. Do it with a smile

  6. if you don't call the courts within 24 hours to tell them you can't come, they will issue a warrent for your arrest...

    that's all i know. it is up to your employers to find a replacement for the day. i would just call out those days. sometimes the the court will pay minimum wage for 4 hours each of the days you're there i think... sometimes though.

  7. No, can't do it. they have to give you off for jury duty. You're not required to anything.

    (Your manger's an idiot).

  8. Absolutely not! You should report this to your local jury commissioner.

  9. You should tell the court clerk  about this.

  10. the only reason I see for you to find a replacement for yourself would be in the case you dont wanna get back to work and be in the mess your "replacement" did..   as is almost always the case when your the only one in the company to occupy a given fonction....

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