I live in Phoenix Arizona and this morning I was driving my son to daycare like I do every day and my 5 year old son starts telling me this story...."When me and Daddy were walking to daycare we got lost and I got to ride in the back of the truck with the lady that picked us up". Well, knowing my son, this was a pretty tall tale, but I decided to ask his dad anyway. When I asked him, he told me that he had left his keys in his vehicle when it broke down at daycare. So they took the bus most of the way there and started walking the rest of the way. Then some older lady stopped and asked if he needed a ride. He took the ride AND put my son in the bed of a pickup truck to get there!!!! I have begged him to step it up and be a good dad, but I am completely at a loss. I am literally the only parent in this child's life that gives him any discipline, that teaches him anything, and the only one that is raising him in general!!! Where do I go from here?!?!?!?!