
Is my excercise plan ok?

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If I do push ups 3 days a week, pull ups/sit ups other 3 days with one day to rest, will my muscles end up being overworked?

Do push ups and pull ups use the same arm muscles? I'm scared I might injure my shoulders or something....




  1. push ups work on your chest, pull ups work on your deltoids, and chin ups work on your biceps. that work out sounds pretty good by try lifting weights at a gym

  2. It's unproductive to do exercises consecutive days in a row. It doesn't give your arms enough time rebuild the torn tissue (when you exercises, your actually tearing muscles so that they build back up stronger).

    Do the push ups and pull ups the same days and do it every other day. This gives you 3-4 days a week of good exercise. The other days you should probably jog or do aerobics. Your legs heal in less than 12 hours so you can run multiple times a day.

    Don't worry about overworking your muscles, worry about giving your muscles time to heal. Constant working and healing (like a day on day off routine) will help your muscles develop faster as your body gets used to healing itself.

    Resting only one day a week will cause you to be lean and stringy and less muscular.

    Hope this helps. One more thing, make sure you perform a cool down after every workout. Stretches or less stressful lifting and exercises. The cool down will help aid in the draining of lactic acid which builds up when you exercise and causes the soreness that most people feel when they exercise.

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