
Is my exercise bikes monitor broken? It ses Iv done 5.1 km in only 8 minutes and I am way unfit?

by  |  earlier

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I am quite unfit unfit atm an never normally go on it but surely if im a beginner who never normally exercises that cant be right that iv done 5 km in 8 minutes when i was only abit out of breath ? Also if its broken how can i tell whether I will be getting fitter each time i use it?




  1. If the gradient is 0,  your speed is 37.5 km/h, which is not unusual for somebody even unfit for such a short period of time.

    Keep up the good work.

    P.S. when you will cover 5 km in 7 minutes increase the gradually the gradient.

    The greater the gradient the fitter you have become.

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