
Is my exercise routine enough to lose the weight I want to lose?

by  |  earlier

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I am 18 years old 5'6 and currently 179 pounds. Goal 143 pounds

I have just joined a gym and do 45 minutes on cross trainer at a even speed, 50 crunchs, 50 lunges, 40 leg presses and 20 push ups.

Is that a good routine? And how long will it take to lose the weight I want to as well as having a blanced diet.

what should I add or change?





  1. It is a good routine.  How often do you plan on doing it?  And how long will you stay with it?  

    I invite you to visit my blog where a lot of weight loss/gain issues are discussed.  Habits, choices, lifestyle, motivation.  You have a good goal and a good plan.  Just stop by and take a look.  I hope after reading it you will take away something that will help you on your journey.

    Be the Weight you Want at Http://

  2. Yes, you are right, you need exercise + a perfect diet.

    I would recommend

  3. Id say you have a good routine

    you could try adding a 30 minute brisk walk or 30 minutes on a treadmill

    you dont want to overdo it

    the time that it will take depends on you and your body

    your not looking at a large amount of weight,so if you calculate it out and average a 6- 10 pound weight loss a month youll be doing good

    there is no magic answer to fast weight loss or as to how long it will take

    it all depends on you and your body

    if you hit a plateau and stop loosing,which does happen, then just step up your workout a notch

  4. I dont suppose you tried this progam ?

  5. Get more information on dieting and weight loss tips at my profile.

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