
Is my fiance's brother sleeping with there step sister?

by  |  earlier

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my b/f bro and his step sister hangout all the time.she comes over and stays in his room with the doors closed.he comes home from work takes a nap then she comes and picks him up,works out and gets food.its not like he doesn't have his own car!!anyways,she will sleep in his room and leave at 5 in the morning.i don't know where she sleeps?on the floor or in his bed?i seen them one time on the bed together,let me tell you its a small bed for two people!!!!I'm a little freaked out by the whole situation.its been going on for about 3 months now..she spend about 4-5 nights a week here.what do you think is going on??they are not minors.they grew up together since they were little..she has done it before with there cousin when she was 12 years old.well from what i heard.she has her own room at there dads house which is 4 minutes away.i don't know why she just doesn't go home after hanging out!!!this is my home as well and i feel very uncomfortable.I'm having a baby and i don't want this kind of thing around my child.what should i say?please don't say its not my business because its happening under my roof.across the hall from my room.




  1. I know this sounds weird. are they actually blood related? Do they have one of the same parents? If not, then technically they aren't doing anything wrong. Is it weird ? Yes. However, you need to talk to your boyfriend about this. Tell him how you feel and how uncomfortable this makes you. Explain that you would prefer that she didn't spend the night. If he refuses to understand, then you have a bigger problem than having the two of them sleeping together. Good luck.  

  2. First of all, that's kind of creepy.  Second, tell her that it's creepy and that you don;t want your child to grow up in that kind of situation, if she's offended, tough.  

  3. Hello x)

    The only thing you can do is TALK, yes talk to your husband first of all and ask for his opinion to see what he thinks about the whole situation maybe by talking to him both of you guys can talk to his brother and his step- sister, like you said is your house and they should have some respect for it...

    Best of luck!

  4. Well are they still step sister? Did the parents split up? Did the parents get a divorce? Because if that is the case, then technically by law they are no longer family. You could ask your fiance, to talk to his brother. Brothers tell brothers everything..!!

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