
Is my fiance cheating on me?

by  |  earlier

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my fiance works from 8am-6pm m-f. he's a maintenance worker for a 500 unit apartment. has been woking there for a year. 4 weeks ago he starts to come home late everyday like around 10pm or late than that some days. when asked y he comes late...he saids its over time at the site and its mandatorya nd that cells are off limits after 6pm at the other job site. is he cheating?




  1. there is no way for a person on yahoo answers to know if your fiance is cheating on you or not. my advice to you is to moniter his behavior. ask him specific questions about work. see if he will open up to you about work. if he keeps quiet he probally hasn't been there... you could always stalk him or have someone to stalk him... if you are that type of his cell phone... listen carfully to the background.

    offer to drive him to work to "save gas" so that you have to pick him up. or surprise him by showing up waiting for him at his car... your excuse: i have been missing you so much i could not wait a minute longer to see you... get a trustworthy friend to help you! ask his co-workers wives how often their husbands get home at night...

    HOPE this helps! :)

  2. Oh boy,  IF he is cheating you will find out.  His paycheck should show the proof.  You will also see other things happening, does he dress up more then he did in the past?  New cologne?  Gives you less attention?  Hey, check out the ph bill.  If he is not pay as you go, you will see the calls online or on the bill.  Lie low, keep your cool, bite your tongue and keep your eyes open.  If he is having an affair, you will see it.  No need in nagging and asking questions and having arugements.   If he is, then lose him because he is not caring about your safety if he is hoeing around and Disrespecting you.  I just had a man of 2 1/2 years do that to me for most of the relationship.  I should have kicked him to the curb the first time.

  3. im not sure. but you will no the answer in the bottom of your heart? i would go 2 his work with an excuse, for you 2 be there. and also check his phone and his e mail. if he is cheating it will come out eventually

    good luck


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