
Is my fiance cheating?

by  |  earlier

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I can't explain it all in detail, it'd be too long. So, long story short, we've dated on and off for 5 years. We got back together awhile ago and he proposed on the 20th. I haven't really saw any "signs" that he is cheating, but there are a few things that concern me. Maybe I'm just thinking too much into it?

1. He took my picture out of his wallet.

2. Both of our rings are too big, yet it's almost been two weeks and he hasn't went to get them resized.

3. I'm not sure if he's told his family. I do know that he's told some of his friends, and his sister.

4. (Which is the big one) Two days ago my niece overhead that he was dating someone named Brittney. (Not my name, obviously) and he swears on his mother someone just made it up.

5. He always sort of hides his phone from me.

I don't know what to believe. After that "dating brittany" incident, he came straight over and brought one of his friends, explaining he would never have even proposed, that he wouldn't ruin our future.

The thing is, he has cheated on me, but that was years ago. He calls all the time, he sees me almost every day ..but I don't know, please help!




  1. its over sorry :(

  2. it could be, but maybe just coincidences.

    if i were you i would

    A: check his phone when he's sleeping

    and if you find something suspicious,

    talk to him about it.

    hope all goes well,  

  3. you might be eggagerating ..

    or all of the things that have been happening are just coincedence.

    but usually .. you will know if hes cheating or not from a gut feeling.

    if you truly feel deep down that he's cheating , then ask him.

    dont hesitate about it and follow what your heart  is telling you.  

  4. once a cheater always a cheater. babe dont put urself threw it again get rid of him.

  5. Red flags are popping up all over the place! Heed them, or risk regretting it later. He likely doesn't want you to see his cell phone because of text, call log, or contact listings that may prove he is yet again cheating. Unfortunately, the old adage, "Once a cheater, always a cheater," is often true. I would break the engagement, or find a way to see his cell phone.

  6. You should talk to him about it and tell him that if your getting married he needs to stop being so skeptical, and tell him the things you are uncomfortable with, you say you have been "off and on" well marriage is forever you dont' want to have to seperate, get to the bottom of all these things before leaping into marriage, when you get to the bottom of these things then you can be happy.

  7. Most men that cheat get busted with their cell phones.  If he won't show you his phone, he's got something to hide.  

  8. rings bug you,.you get it done,,,,,,,,,

    brit.......look at his cell phone statement for the you really want this?

  9. Yeah he could be cheating. I dont think your niece would make anything like that up. And hes deff hiding something if he wont let you see his phone.

  10. Hmmm hard to tell. Was your niece sure he actually said that or did she just make it up? Do you trust your niece to tell the truth? If so, then there may be reason to be concerned. You could always hire a P.I. to investigate.

    Alternatively, you either have to learn to trust him. If you can't, you probably should call off the wedding. He *has* cheated on you before so there's already grounds not to trust him.

  11. He is cheating on you.  You are confused because he makes such a big deal about being caught.  You are thinking that if he didn't love you, he would cheat, and then not care that he got caught, because he wanted "out" of the relationship anyway.  Here is what is really happening.  He does love you, but is incapable of being faithful.  He knows he has got a good deal with you.  He's cheated before, you took him back, he knows he can get away with it and you will forgive him.  He only has to "convince" you that he is sincere, and you will be ok again.  How many times will that go on before your heart breaks?  What will you do if you have been married for a few years, have a couple of kids, and then you find out he's cheating on you yet again? Then you'd really be stuck.  Your kids would see their daddy with another woman, and have to deal with that.    

    This is a serious pattern of behavior.  He has cheated once before, and now is at it again.  (Maybe there have been other times, but you just didn't know about them, or they were short affairs.)  Yes it was a long time ago, but guess what?  Marriage is a long time.  It's the rest of your life.  5 years of dating is a long time, 5 years of marriage is barely anything.  Do Not Get Married To This Man.    

  12. Sweety the signs are there.  If his family does'nt know that you're engaged to him. If his parents don't know well....... I feel sorry for you.

  13. why the h**l are you still engaged?  get rid of him.  

  14. You need to speak up and talk to him about it. If he has cheated on you before and there are things that are bothering you now, you really need to think it through- if you would really want to spend the rest of your life with this guy. I think that it is ALMOST impossible to get over the betraying and selfish act of cheating, but if you have given him 1 chance already and you find out he is doing it again, you need to sever ties with this cat. There are definetely things you need to investigate here.  

  15. This is so two sided;everyone in a relationship have had some kind of feeling about their partner possibly cheating; whether it's a physicaly relationship or an emotional relationship. Boys will be boys...on the flip side of all of this;going into a marriage and having these feelings about him cheating...honey you won't stay married for long. Because you have trust issues and he has infidelity issues. In the back of your & mind no matter what he says; you're not going to believe him. Now, if he was to start being so freely about leaving his phone around for you to see; would you still have those thoughts? Take a minute and think about see; no matter how much a person prove themselves;it's embedded in your head - he's a cheater...

    You have to decide this for yourself; what you're willing to deal with if he's cheating or if you're willing to always assume that he is. If you do decide to walk down the aisle - pls get counseling ...(spiritual counceling)

  16. There is no reason to hide his phone from you if he is not cheating.  I would sit and talk to him and let him know what is bothering you... the rings ask him why you have them if your not going to wear them?  Some men have there friends lie for them because they are better at it.   Do not marry him unless you are so sure about this!  Just think about it if he has cheated before most likely he will do it again.  Does he dress real nice when he goes out and smelling really good? does his phone ring all the time when he is with you and he's not answering it? take your time and think things through... good luck.

  17. yes

  18. you are having pre-marrige jitters! no he is not cheating!

  19. If you have to ask the question, then its all wrong in the first place.

  20. Oh have alot of doubts and suspicions....  And right, wrong or indifferent, that's not a way to start a relationship (even if rekindling one) let alone a marriage.

    For your own piece of mind...I think you need to call off the engagement, and just "date".......and if at some point down in the future you have more trust in this relationship...then reconsider getting engaged.  Otherwise you will just end up with a big fat expensive divorce.

  21. seems like his cheating on you. I suggest you dump and find someone who loves you for you.

  22. I've learned that my gut feeling is usually right.  Sit him down and have a talk with him.  

  23. I think he is but I wound jump to conclusions just yet but I think he might be  

  24. Ever hear the saying "Once a cheater, always a cheater?"  This definitely applies here!  Marriage is hard enough without bringing such low expectations to the table.  Dump him.  Find someone who will give you the love you deserve!

  25. ask him directly but calmly.. "r u cheating on me?" and maybe he will come clean.  

  26. well, i think you must remain faithful t0 him no matter what he's doing right now. just believe in him but don't expect that he is honest all the time. I know that all men can be easily tempted and it's beyond our control. the only thing you can do is to strive hard and do what makes him happy so that even if he would betray you, at least you proved to yourself that it's not your fault.. life is too short and make the most of it.. just enjoy the time with him.. stop worrying about his suspicious acts because it will just ruin  your day..  be happy about that because let's say even if he has many chicks at this moment, he chose you to be your fiance.  

  27. Oh he's sly.

    I think you should ask him why he took your picture out of your wallet.

    And look at his cell when he's asleep.

    And go together to get your rings re-sized...Just one day say let's go get our rings fixed!  

  28. Get rid of him...once a cheater always a cheater.  He is hiding something...get his phone one day he isn't around or he is sleeping.  

  29. He seems very sketchy to me.  Maybe you should have a long engagement just until you guys figure everything out.

  30. You need to talk to him.  Not about cheating but about each action you listed.  Like no photo in the wallet, what was overheard, hiding his phone.  If you are engaged to be married then things should be more open.  and ask him when hes taking the rings to be resized, no time like the present!  

  31. If he has taken your pic out of his wallet then yes, he is concerned that the other out of jealousy will say to him " if your not with her then let me see your wallet to check if your pic is in there"    And secondly, he hides his phone so that you can't check it to see who has called him
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