
Is my fish dying?

by  |  earlier

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its a betta fighting fish. he's in a nice tank, I keep it clean very regularly and feed him like I should. the past month though his bright blue colour has faded. his head is going sort of brown and his fins look as though they are deteriorating. im obviously guessing that he is dying (very sad!), but does anyone know what is wrong with him?

im just confused because I haven't done anything out of the ordinary with him or his tank. he's always lived a happy little regular life up until lately.

help anyone? :-(




  1. finrot

  2. the poor fish is old ..and inf acted with some kind of worm get the diworm tablets add to the water.. and that might help.

  3. tip 1#he's either dying

    tip2# or he is sick

    Have a great summer.

  4. How old is your betta? The age would matter if he has years under him, but normally, this is not typically old age deterioration.

    Another thing, Just because your tank is clean, that doesn't necessarily mean it's perfect water conditions, meaning that the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels is pretty high. Have you also been using water conditioners?

    Since you clean the tank regularly, it shouldn't be a problem, however, the ammonia level could be high, ammonia is acidity and which it can cause the fin rot. Using water conditioners also helps remove chlorine. It neutralizes metals in the water as well as provide slime coating for the fish and this also helps heal the fish.

    Each time that you feed the fish, it can spike the water parameters, that is why, testing the water is very important, just because you have a small bowl or tank, that doesn't mean you don't have to test the water. Proper care is a healthy fish.

    Using melafix can help and solve some of the problems, however, from my studies of using melafix and water conditioners, the combination of both could be potentially dangerous. I observed that the fishes tend to get weaker when I have both the melafix and water conditioner in the water at the same time. You should consider waiting hours after adding the conditioner before using melafix. This would be a better bet.

    Also, there is a possibility that you may have fungus attacking your fish as well, you may want to consider looking very closely at your fish to see if they have a fungus like substance on the body of your fish.

    Anyways, I hope this helps, Good luck...................

  5. Its probably finrot.  If not he is sick.  The pet store should have medicine.

  6. It doesn't sound good for the poor little guy :(

    Was there a sudden change in temperature?

    Go and talk to a pet store, they might be able to give you some medicine for him.

  7. try testing your water . maby your water is full of chemicals that he cant handle  he might have itch????

  8. if the fins seem to be detoriating, it sounds like he has finrot

    which is caused by bad water conditiones to start with

    if you have him at least in a 5 gallon tank which is filtered and heated, the weekly waterchanges with a gravelsiphon of 25% shouldn't be an issued

    for right now, i would do a 50% waterchange right away

    and keep doing 25% waterchanges every other day

    don't forget to condition the water you put back into the tank

    also a tablespoon of aquarium salt per 5 gallons should help him along

    if you don't see any improvement, start a treatment with maracyn TC

  9. are you changing his water weekly? dechlorinating it? Is the new water the same temp. as his old water? What type of food are you feeding him? I feed my betta's freeze dried bloodworms and Hikari Betta pellets.
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