
Is my fish gonna die?:( HELP ||(12 POINTS!)

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okay, so i got this fish from wal-mart, yesterday, And today i see 2 red dots on his back.Is it flukes and is he gonna die. ( not sure if female or male.) he is also not eating( i think it's one of thouse comet fishes it was 18 cents CND$) and hes white. i ahve no idea what to do! I just got him yesterday and im feeding it gold fish food, thats what the person in the store told me to feed him. i have also 4 other fishes too and there all fine, im not sure what is wrong with my fish

could some one help me please

best answer gets 12 points.




  1. Actually, the fish is probably sick, you should try isolating the fish in another aquarium, or in a bucket or whatever to be sure that he isn't infecting the other fishes, but there is still a chance that he will be okay because you just bought it yesterday, and fishes are actually very nervous. I don't know what to do except go and see someone who really knows that.

  2. OKAY FIRST OF ALL DONT listen to the walmart people they are stupid!!!!! second why in the world did you get a fish from walmart.......that is the problem!!!!!!!!!!! get one from petco for 19 cents P.S. one cent more can make a difference

  3. something similar happened to my fish, he got a giant red dot on his back and died. sorry.  


    I JUST GOT FISH MYSELF AND IM A BEGINNER I HOPE YOUR FISH ARE WELL BUT DONT LISTEN WHAT THEY TOLD YOU TO FEED THE FISH. first do your research so you know what is right for your fish. Make sure your tank conditions match what your fish can live in

  5. How are you gonna give 12 points?

    Yeah, your fish will die some day.

    Wiki's 'fluke' entry is below.

  6. Take him back or if you love him entirely take him to your local vet

  7. He may have Ick! You should buy your fish 4rm petsmart or even petco. I prefer to get my fish 4rm petsmart. They also have drops that you put in the tank to help fish in distress or other ailments.  

  8. i think the reason that ur fish is not eating is that he use to live in his own enviroment but now he live in another place. this might affect the fish but by the days he will make it as routine that he live in a different place . dont worry

    by the way the 2 red dots does not represent any thing bad.

  9. I think there might be something wrong with him.. but if he does die you can always buy another one for 18 cents! Maybe he's just not hungry?

  10. I'm not sure what is wrong with it or if it is going to die but to protect your other fish i would put the one with red dots in a seprate tank in case its contagious

  11. if he is white he is a young goldfish. and those dots if they are orangish colored he is probably getting his real colors. and also goldfish sort of change colors

  12. Idk about all that but try seperating the fish and see what happens. They could be nicking him a lot.

  13. Go to a petstore they have drops for things like that and did you put that fish with the other fish and maybe it was sick when you bought it

  14. well my fish had gotten spots on it that werent there before but it turned out to be something else and hes still alive it could be hes dying and he could just have something minor but if your that concerned talk the fish to the vet. i have and my fish wasnt that big so it was a little weird but if u wanna make sure its ok u should take or just go back to walmart and tell em whats up with ur fish.

  15. your fish may have something wrong with him. I would maybe try another food just to see if that was the problem, if not i would just take him to walmart and ask them what might be the problem

  16. First off I just wanted to say that its not good to have other fish in the tank  with your comet fish, because they'll eat just about anything they can catch. Also never feed them TO much, because when you fishy is healthy again then they'll just keep eating. here are a few disease that made sense.


    I'm not going to get into detail about this and there are people out there that can explain this better than I. Dropsy is a bacterial infection that infects the fish from the inside and you will see the scales sticking out from the goldfish's body. Normally when you see this stage of it the goldfish will most likely not live for much longer.

    FishAnchor Worm

    A white stick like worm will be sticking out of the goldfish with a red ring where it is attached. The fish normally will be rubbing against anything to get rid of it.anchor worms

    FishFish Lice

    This is not a pretty thing to look at, once you see it on your fish you will know what I mean. It's a greenish disk shape creature about 1/5 of an inch wide and attaches itself to the goldfish. The goldfish will be rubbing up against anything to get it off. You will also see red spots where the fish louse was. There is ways of getting rid of them but you must to it fast cause they do reproduce quickly. You can remove them from the fish manualy, then treat the tank for the ones you dont see.

    here is another sight:

    20. Why is my fish listless and not eating?

    With goldfish, eating is usually the last thing they stop doing when sick. So a non-eating goldfish is probably a very sick goldfish.

    Make sure your water quality is very good (other questions explain what this means). If you keep the fish in very healthy conditions, there is always a chance it will recover. I particularly like using salt in the water, at one tablespoon of uniodized salt per gallon. This will slow down external parasites and some diseases, as well as minimizing the stress from water quality problems and promoting rapid healing.

    Based on the symptoms of "listless and not eating" I can’t give any better or more specific advice than this.

  17. 12 point?

  18. Take the fish back to the store and ask whats wrong. They'll most likely give you a new fish if its dieing.  

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