
Is my f******n ok ? ?

by  |  earlier

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firstly i dont want to be circumcised,atall,right, i think i have a problem when my p***s is flacid, the f******n bunches behind the head, i figure this is normal, however when erect it does the same unless, i have maximum erectness lol, or if i apply lube cream or lotion, (even 12 hours before) this then makes the f******n tuck under the head properly, am i ok, i can m********e fine like this, just worrys me girls might have a problem with it, i am 18 UK.. serious ansers plz





  2. it sounds normal to me and don't worry about the girls most of them like to peel the banana

  3. So, at rest you can leave the f******n covering the head, but you can pull it back and it'll remain behind the head, even when flaccid? That's fine. Not all guys can do that because the shape of the ridge at the back of the head is different for everyone.

    If you can leave it in either position, covered or uncovered, that's normal. Most guys leave it covered because it makes the head more sensitive.

    I'm still not sure I understand the description in your question, though.

  4. "the f******n bunches behind the head"

    So you mean that the head is uncovered, that would be unusual.

    Maybe you could benefit from growing a little more f******n.

    If your head is covered when flaccid, that's completely normal.

  5. Your f******n sounds perfectly normal.

    Don't knock circumcision - many men have had this minor operation as adults and are perfectly happy with the results. But by the sound of it you do not need the operation.

  6. Bunching behind the head when flaccid, if you mean it's not covering the head, is unusual. Have you tried pulling it over the head so it stays down? I think if you're not having any problems with it though then it's probably ok and I'm sure girls won't mind.


  7. Hello Daniel,

                       It seeme difficult to reassure you. From what you say, there is nothing wrong with you, just nerves maybe. I certainly don't think you need to be circumcised.  Good luck.
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