
Is my f******n too large and is my p***s too small?

by  |  earlier

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Please take this serious,thanks. im worried about the size of my p***s im 16 and its about 4 and a half to about 5 inches long and im wondering if im too old for it to grow anymore and will this be good enough to satasfy a women during s*x.also when erect my f******n still partially covers the head so that all i can see is a small part of the area surrounding the pee hole and nothing else and could this be a contributing factor to having a small p***s?please help...:-(




  1. John,

    You're in good shape for your age and your size.  You're about as average as one can be.  You were neither early, nor or you a late bloomer.  You're an adequate size now but can fully expect more growth in the next 4-5 years.

  2. you are worrying over nothing. everything you describes sounds perfectly normal. quit worrying over things you can't change.


  3. you're worrying too much.

    3.5-4 in. is average flaccid

    5.5-6 in. is average erect

    you're still gonna grow a bit.

    the f******n has nothing to do with being too small or too big.

  4. Your p***s is a fine size and are worrying over nothing. You still have about 4-5 years to grow and are about average now. By the time you've completed puberty, you'll be about 5.5-6 inches, which is fine also. As for the f******n problem, it's fine, for many males that have f******n have some that hang over. If you're really worried, see a doctor and see what he says, but you're just worrying for nothing. Hope this helps.

  5. ok your p***s is perfect do not worry you are fine and also you will still grow ,listen to me do not worry your p***s is perfect and that includes the f******n

  6. That is a perfect size for your age. You'll probably grow another inch to 1.5 inches. Yes, that will satisfy a woman during s*x. So no worries, man, you're doing fine.

  7. No, your p***s is almost normal adult size, and you still will probably grow at least until the age of 18 and some guys continue to grow into their 20's.

    The f******n won't affect the length of your p***s.    Removing it by circumcision would diminish the girth instantly by a double layer of skin all around; actually four layers in diameter.

    From your description, you can't retract the f******n completely during erection.    Men can live all of their lives like this without a problem, father children and satisfy a woman completely.

    However, it will improve your s*x life if you stretch the f******n opening to accomodate full retraction during s*x, and free movement of the f******n.     Stretching can be done while erect, pulling down on the f******n until a little pain is felt---not too much, and this is done gently and gradually over a period of weeks or months.   If you can pull on the f******n opening sideways, also, this can help stretch the opening.

    Be careful not to trap the f******n behind the glans when erect until it is wide enough to move back over the head easily when erect; this is called paraphimosis and should be avoided.

    One of the reasons that your f******n is tight is probably that during your childhood or as an infant, a doctor, nurse or other caregiver pulled the f******n back prematurely, which damaged the elasticity of the f******n opening before it had time to develop normally.

    It's not too serious, and the stretching should help.    If you have any more trouble, type in CIRP on your browser, and there is more information available on that site.      Don't let anyone talk you into circumcision; it damages the p***s, is painful, and can cause complications which can destroy your s*x life.

    Good luck to you.

  8. It sounds fine. It will probably keep growing but it's not "too small" for anything as it is at the moment so don't stress.

    About the f******n, it's normal for it to partially cover the head when erect, it doesn't go back automatically for a lot of guys. If it's too tight to be pulled back manually at the moment, gently try and stretch it back every day for a while and it should get looser.


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