
Is my friend TOO thin? *pictures in included* ?

by  |  earlier

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My friend hardly eats around me, or our group of friends. When we want to go to Starbucks she says she didn't get a good night's sleep that that she doesn't feel good. If we want to get ice cream at like 10 pm after church she claims that eating late makes her sick, so she cant. Am I overreacting? Please look at the photos as well. Any comments would be appreciated, more than you know.

Thanks a lot.




  1. well the other girl in the pictures has noooo since of style at all. if your friend gets a little more skinny then you should try to help her out

  2. she looks fit and healthy.

    but keep an eye on her though , it does sound a little odd

  3. Well in the third picture her legs look unnaturally thin. But in the other pictures they look fine. Maybe the angles are deceiving. She could gain a few pounds but she doesn't look like her health is in any danger.

  4. i think its both on the plus & negative side. she's not up 4 eating. I doubt she eats all the time, but @ least she's not over doing it & trying 2 take care of her health. she needs 2 go out & just have a good time. She shouldn't be worried about her weight. well as long as she doesn't exaggerate, it will be fine.

  5. Yall are really pretty, but no. she is thin, but it looks more like that is her build.

  6. She looks a little it skinnier than you. All she needs to do id tone and firm her muscles up and she will be all right.

  7. i don't think so but could you upload a side view of her because i'm not sure in the first one she looks to thin but in the others i can't tell

  8. if she keeps doing that.. she is going to disappear...

    but let her be, we need to respect other peoples life and mayb advice her but you cant change her..and you dont accept dont deserve her as a friend. Once again, advice her but dont decide for her.

    and she is kinda can tell her that!

  9. eww yea tell her to hav a sandwich.


  10. Yes i think she is slightly thin, being the same size as the other girl would be ideal.;...

  11. whooaa you need to let your friend know how much you care about her and that you are worried for her. (you are not overreacting at all!!!) i mean eating disorders can lead to death. and you dont want to loose her. you need to point that out to her. she is just trying to find a way out of eating in ALL situations. you should talk to her parents or your parents.

    usually when someone has an eating disorder, they use it to numb their feellings/ pain. like if she is stressed out our if something happend when she was little. idk though like i know someone who had an eatingdisorder because she was raped when she was little. she didn't know any other way to handle the situation.

    i'm really sorry about your friend. and eating disorders take a REALLY long time to recover from.

    good luck  

  12. Seriously yes. fit and healthy I don't think so.

    It's hard to tell from the pics but I would say she is a little under weight.

    I don't know though, if you had her height and weight there is like a chart that tells you what normal weight is but I'm not so sure how accurate that is... because according to the chart I'm a little underweight.

  13. Well, from the pictures she seems like a very active and outgoing girl. But the stories don't really seem right. Just watch her for a little while and if you notice any other kinds of changes (like shes starting to wear baggy clothes or looking paler than usual) you might want to seek help in whatever way you can.

  14. I don't want to be rude, but it looks like you Photoshoped those pictures. If you didn't then your friend is to skinny.

  15. she looks the sort of build that is naturally thin anyway

    ut yes i do think you have slight cause for concern :s

  16. She is on the thin side but nothing real bad if she starts getting worse then    yes but now -- not bad. If she has an eating disorder she is hiding then the more you push her or tell her how thin she is the more she will (not eat). It is so hard to see that happen to someone you are about. Good luck

  17. very, very thin! But not too skinny. But she looks close to being too thin.

  18. No, she isn't too thin. If she starts to lose weight, like more than five pounds, then she will be.

  19. she doesnt look too skinny

    she looks normal to me

    shes probably just self conscious like all girls or has a fear of eating in front of other people may sound weird but it is true and it does happen

    if you are truly worried about you should confront her about ask hger why she is uncomfortable about eating in front of others or why she always rejects your invitation it could be more than the naked eye can see

    good luck

  20. I have reviewed the pics of your friend.She looks well nourished and is not emaciated.She has good muscle tone and her skin is supple looking.She is ok.

  21. she looks okay to me

  22. She looks fine, but looks can be deceiving. I reccomend talking to her about your concerns.. If shes really your friend she wont mind that you care and are following through.  

  23. She is pretty skinny, but you are also over reacting. Just be worried if she loses anymore weight. Why would church end at 10 pm?

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