
Is my friend a MEANIE???!?

by  |  earlier

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She yells at me. She calls me a ditz. She flicks me. She raped me!!!? HELP!?!?!?!?!




  1. Do not  let her do that. tell someone now.or she will do it all the time SHE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND

  2. seriously, you're stupid. you dont joke about that kind of stuff.

    not even funny.

  3. This better not be a joke... if she raped you then you need to contact the police. At 15 years old my b/f's friend raped me.... so if you are joking it is not funny.  If all of this is true you need to get rid of the friends, tell your mom whats going on and call the police to report it.

  4. You know I feel bad for you. It is mean!

  5. she raped u? um yea...NOT UR FRIEND....and get the police

  6. Ummmm... she raped you???

  7. Do you even need to ask?  She should be in freaking jail right now!!!!  If I was you I would go up to her and slap her, and start yelling my head off, but then again I have a small amount of anger anagment problems, so really I would go up to her and start kicking, punching and pulling hair... anyways, dont take that c**p! I mean, really!  If a person who is supposed to be your friend calls you a dits thats bad enough, but RAPING you!!!!  Thats just sick!!!!!  If this is a joke, then you are one twisted ****!!

  8. She isn't your friend, then...

  9. She RAPED you?

    Your kidding,Right?

    Call the cops.

    Tell her physical abuse took place.

    She's the ditz here.

  10. A meanie? That girls a flat out *****. Call to get a restraining order on her. :) good luck!

  11. Raped ? OMG AND SHE'S YOUR FRIEND ?! EXCUSE ME ARE THE POLICE HERE ? Why's she even your Friend ?

  12. If you like being treated like that then she's your best friend, if not then she's your frienemy get it friend/

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