
Is my friend being unfair? Who is the right one in this situation?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my friend are supposed to go out today. We are both 13. She told me my mom has to drop me off at her house because if her mom were to pick me up, my road is the opposite direction of where she is going and she doesn't want to go get gas. (Mind you we live in the same town, 3 MINUTES AWAY!) My mom is laying on the couch with swollen glands and a high fever, and my friend is making my mom go out and drive me there. I explained to her that my mom should NOT be the one to drive me with her conditions. Who is right and who is wrong? What can I do about it? Thanks so much!




  1. your friends being a selfish *****.  no other way of explaining it.  

  2. I think you should stay home and ask you mom if she needs anything....

    why don't you make dinner for her instead?

    Or if she lives 3 mins away...why can't you ride your bike to her house?  

  3. ur right, ur mom is not well enough to. did u tell her that? if theres no possible way for her mom to pick u up, then y don tu walk to her house? 3 minutes in the car isnt that far either on foot.

  4. Walk.

  5. why dont ur mom call and explain to ur friends mom that she is sick and really shouldnt be out driving and offer to drive the next time

  6. I think that you should just tell your friend that your mom doesn't feel well and if she wants to hang out with you today than she needs to come pick you up because it's not safe for your mom to be driving in her condition.

    Speaking of her condition shouldn't you stay home and take care of her anyway?

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