My fiancee and I work odd hours, both of us 12 hours and she has swing shift (which means half the days in the month will be days, and will abruptly shift to nights throwing sleep patterns off), so all sometimes dont' see each other that often and when we do, we want to actually spend some quiet time alone.
We have a friend who just moved here and is in our complex. Every day around 5pm she calls to announce she's home.... uhm, good? We work nights, meaning we're both eating dinner and an hour away from walking out the door for 12 hours. We're kind of a quiet pair and like our peace and quiet. She wants to call like 5 times a day about frivolous things. I dont' have the patience for saying nothing!
Last night she called my cell at 3 pm, which is like your 3 am for sleeping before work, waking me up btw. Then she asked my fiancee on her way home after I left to work if she could watch her kid all night cause she was called in! And she had to work 12 hours again the next day. When she was told no, she cried at my fiancee (lucky she was firm and told her no.)
We like having friends. We just dont' like unnecessary baggage! Should i feel bad? Or does she need to be talked to?