
Is my friend jealous?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I am currently a 13 year old boy. I have great parents and a great sibling, I do very well in school, I excell in sports, and I play the drums.

However, my friend seems to always try to bring me down, for example: He gets a good acheivment and I say every time" Nice job, dude!"

But whenever I do something good, he always replies with something like "g*y" or sarcastic "Wow your so cool"

don't dont get it! I treat him so nicely, but he is always rude to me and most everyone around him.

Which bring me to my question.... Is he jealous? Am I tooconsciousoncious?

(And NO, I am not full of myself, I am actually quite modest :D)




  1. yeah he's jealous.

  2. :) ugh i know a guy like that I am 14, and my best friend is a guy, but he is always dealing with guys like that. I think that your friend is kinda being a jerk and if he can't accept you then he doesn't deserve to be friends with  you, who is being so sweet and kind to him.

    you should talk to him and tell him how you feel. (i know that sounded corny and cliche but it may work!)

    i hope this helps and doesn't make you think i'm crazy! I PROMISE I HAVE FRIENDS! :) good luck!

  3. My best friend is the same way. And when I talked to her mom about it she said that she told her she was jealous.

    So I would think so. But it's always cool when someone envy's you.
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