I get fed up with my friend a lot. In the last year especially he has been a d**k. He reversed his car into the stone wall outside my house (all the damage was on his car), looks on my computer and hacks his way in to find out and tells my other friends what p**n I've been looking at, then doesn't let it drop if you make a joke about him. OK I understand the dish it out and taking it scenario, but sometimes he always has to make you look like an idiot for something so small if you make fun of him. He also kept throwing litter onto my tent at the weekend when there was a bin 30 seconds away (not intentionally at mine just wherever he had a clear aim outside the tent which n most cases was my tent).
He also starts chatting up the girl I was flirting with and then gives the vibe I should get lost. I did after a while since I never got a word in when talking to her after hestarted talking to her.
Or is it me, am I taking it too much to heart and should just lighten up.