
Is my friend racist or just ...?

by Guest33362  |  earlier

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ok, so you have a woman with children. She is white. She grew up in county schools which are mostly white. But went to church where is 85 percent black. She had black friends growing up and still does now as an adult. Even where she works is mostly black. She even dated black guys. She listens to the black radio stations and listen to rap. (but scared to go to their concert cause she feels like everyone will stare at her cause she's white) She has no problem with this. Now her son goes to a brand new school in a really nice area that is 75 percent black but it's a great school and a nice school so she has no problem with it. She is moving to an area that is a little lower income class (temporarily). Everyone in the neighborhood is black. All the schools are black. She is scared to let her kid go to the school because it is 99 percent black and it's a lower income community. She is scared he will grow up and be "ghetto" or feel out of place being one of the very few white kids.

So she is keeping him in the newer nicer school (even though she shouldn't)

Do you understand how she feels? or Do you think she should quit thinking stereo typically?

Why is she comfortable working with mostly blacks, going to church with mostly blacks, having friends that are black, but when it comes down to her kid going to a city school in a lower income community in a 99 percent black school ........... Why is she scared?

Do you have any speculations or suggestions?




  1. It's quite simple really.

    a) She doesn't want her kid to go to a lower income community in a 99% black school because she wants her kid to have a good education that that school probably can't give. Plus, are there (speaking of the lower income community community) violence or drug related problems in that school? You see...

    b) Of course she may feel out of place in an all black club because she's white and it's an *all black club* (is that club racist or something?). Once I went to a L*****n bar and everybody was looking at me quite suspiciously. Another time I went to a black party and I was just sitting peacefully watching TV and in comes this guy and out of the blue says "Do you have any problems?" in an arrogant manner. I guess that in both situations I must have been somehow "out of place".

    So, to answer shortly, no she's not a racist. I'd say she's not a racist at all. She's merely logical.

  2. well she may be afraid that her kid will feel out of place too. i understand how she feels i guess, not wanting her kid to feel out of place in a 99% black school. maybe if it were a 75% black school she would feel better about her kid feeling out of place.

  3. She is not being racist she is just trying to give her children the best start possible given the tools she has to work with.  

  4. Because you think the kid should go to the city school, that makes you right? Who are you to judge. There are more distractions in city schools. There are also distractions in suburban too, but not nearly as much.

  5. no because she is being classist not racist

  6. She isn't racist,let her raise her children.

  7. There is nothing wrong with wanting your child to get the best education possible.  And a school in a lower income area is more likely to have an overall substandard education system, irregardless of the racial breakdown.  And as far as going to a club, people go out for entertainment and to have fun, not to feel uncomfortable and out of place.  I see no "racist" attitude.  

  8. That really isn't racism to me. She only wants what's best for her children. Honestly, if the kid's parents who attend those schools had a choice I'm sure they wouldn't out their kids in those schools either. Sadly, the truth is that schools in lower income areas have limited resources and high crime rates on campus, so her concerns are valid.

    Also, her fear of being out of place at a night club that's all Black is also not racist. I live in Germany and am usually the only non-White and non-German person in the room, and sometimes it's uncomfortable when people stare, but most times I ignore it and try to have a good time if I'm with nice people.

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